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Stocks That Pay Dividends In February Image

Stocks That Pay Dividends In February

By Income Calendar staff, Monday, October 14, 6:30 PM

Here at Income Calendar, we bring you this list of stocks that pay dividends in February by examining the typical payment schedules of the most popular dividend stocks being tracked across our Income Calendar service, where the stock happens to typically see a pay date fall within the month of February. We divided up the resulting list of February dividend stocks into tables according to dividend yield level, beginning with the lowest yielding stocks paying current dividend levels that annualize to a yield of 2% or under (based on recent data):

Stocks That Pay 2% (and under) Dividends In February

Dividend Stock Recent Stock Price Recent Trading Volume Recent Dividend Rate Recent Dividend Yield Dividend Frequency February Pay Day Expected
AMG $190.00 127,630 $0.040 0.02% Quarterly Feb 29th
FXF $103.09 7,390 $0.050 0.05% Monthly Feb 8th
ETHT $15.00 211,920 $0.009 0.06% Monthly Feb 10th
GFL $40.68 870,228 $0.056 0.14% Quarterly Feb 1st
WIT $6.60 1,572,247 $0.012 0.18% Annual Feb 15th
AYI $308.87 233,757 $0.600 0.19% Quarterly Feb 17th
CSWI $394.02 108,448 $0.960 0.24% Quarterly Feb 9th
HWM $102.65 2,543,810 $0.320 0.31% Quarterly Feb 25th
NMM $59.50 221,616 $0.200 0.34% Quarterly Feb 14th
TRAK $19.23 32,385 $0.066 0.34% Quarterly Feb 12th
BITU $27.56 2,282,036 $0.099 0.36% Monthly Feb 8th
ENTG $111.45 1,698,292 $0.400 0.36% Quarterly Feb 21st
MUSA $489.43 117,754 $1.800 0.37% Quarterly Feb 27th
TBNK $10.84 16,105 $0.040 0.37% Quarterly Feb 22nd
XDTE $52.99 171,645 $0.200 0.38% Other Feb 28th
XDTE $52.99 171,645 $0.200 0.38% Other Feb 28th
XDTE $52.99 171,645 $0.200 0.38% Other Feb 28th
XDTE $52.99 171,645 $0.200 0.38% Other Feb 28th
KAI $328.81 39,953 $1.280 0.39% Quarterly Feb 1st
HSTM $28.31 110,927 $0.112 0.40% Quarterly Feb 16th
SIRI $26.90 18,975,972 $0.106 0.40% Quarterly Feb 25th
AAPL $231.30 38,816,333 $1.000 0.43% Quarterly Feb 12th
ARCB $106.31 169,145 $0.480 0.45% Quarterly Feb 27th
PDS $62.64 20,803 $0.280 0.45% Quarterly Feb 18th
HCC $64.79 426,981 $0.320 0.49% Quarterly Feb 23rd
BRO $105.94 1,028,286 $0.520 0.49% Quarterly Feb 9th
MMLP $4.00 57,582 $0.020 0.50% Quarterly Feb 13th
CASY $391.08 212,413 $2.000 0.51% Quarterly Feb 14th
MA $506.66 2,090,809 $2.640 0.52% Quarterly Feb 5th
COST $889.76 1,409,368 $4.640 0.52% Quarterly Feb 9th
FFWM $7.26 508,483 $0.040 0.55% Quarterly Feb 16th
MOG.A $199.71 131,971 $1.120 0.56% Quarterly Feb 23rd
RDTE $43.87 111,292 $0.250 0.57% Other Feb 28th
RDTE $43.87 111,292 $0.250 0.57% Other Feb 28th
RDTE $43.87 111,292 $0.250 0.57% Other Feb 28th
RDTE $43.87 111,292 $0.250 0.57% Other Feb 28th
ITUB $6.27 14,207,840 $0.038 0.60% Monthly Feb 4th
ITUB $6.27 14,207,840 $0.038 0.60% Monthly Feb 4th
QDTE $43.03 481,202 $0.270 0.63% Other Feb 28th
QDTE $43.03 481,202 $0.270 0.63% Other Feb 28th
QDTE $43.03 481,202 $0.270 0.63% Other Feb 28th
QDTE $43.03 481,202 $0.270 0.63% Other Feb 28th
DHI $187.11 1,530,247 $1.200 0.64% Quarterly Feb 13th
AIT $227.85 95,841 $1.480 0.65% Quarterly Feb 29th
ASMLF $886.00 597 $6.080 0.69% Quarterly Feb 7th
ASML $872.08 1,767,050 $6.573 0.75% Quarterly Feb 7th
VFLO $34.14 354,989 $0.257 0.75% Monthly Feb 10th
AON $358.58 723,729 $2.700 0.75% Quarterly Feb 14th
SLP $31.72 128,648 $0.240 0.76% Quarterly Feb 3rd
COKE $1301.58 23,302 $10.000 0.77% Quarterly Feb 9th
URI $838.05 437,377 $6.520 0.78% Quarterly Feb 27th
WDTE $42.35 37,023 $0.330 0.78% Other Feb 28th
WDTE $42.35 37,023 $0.330 0.78% Other Feb 28th
WDTE $42.35 37,023 $0.330 0.78% Other Feb 28th
WDTE $42.35 37,023 $0.330 0.78% Other Feb 28th
SFLO $27.09 12,901 $0.215 0.79% Monthly Feb 13th
GHC $809.22 7,065 $6.880 0.85% Quarterly Feb 23rd
SBT $4.61 16,973 $0.040 0.87% Quarterly Feb 28th
GL $108.78 408,298 $0.960 0.88% Quarterly Feb 2nd
SCHP $26.55 919,786 $0.235 0.89% Monthly Feb 7th
ZTS $192.65 1,616,350 $1.728 0.90% Quarterly Feb 21st
HDLB $14.47 897 $0.130 0.90% Other Feb 19th
CDRE $38.52 276,720 $0.350 0.91% Quarterly Feb 16th
ILPT $4.40 233,777 $0.040 0.91% Quarterly Feb 13th
COR $224.81 1,603,730 $2.040 0.91% Quarterly Feb 26th
LNG $188.77 988,693 $1.740 0.92% Quarterly Feb 12th
PNR $98.82 850,498 $0.920 0.93% Quarterly Feb 2nd
FELE $106.40 74,027 $1.000 0.94% Quarterly Feb 16th
WYNN $103.95 2,010,565 $1.000 0.96% Quarterly Feb 27th
WINA $366.88 12,694 $3.600 0.98% Quarterly Feb 28th
JBHT $175.46 1,120,815 $1.720 0.98% Quarterly Feb 22nd
HXL $61.03 575,401 $0.600 0.98% Quarterly Feb 16th
QQQY $34.63 159,818 $0.340 0.98% Other Feb 28th
QQQY $34.63 159,818 $0.340 0.98% Other Feb 28th
QQQY $34.63 159,818 $0.340 0.98% Other Feb 28th
QQQY $34.63 159,818 $0.340 0.98% Other Feb 28th
WMPN $12.19 2,403 $0.120 0.98% Quarterly Feb 6th
UI $241.52 51,652 $2.400 0.99% Quarterly Feb 17th
NVT $75.12 1,722,082 $0.760 1.01% Quarterly Feb 2nd
PH $643.53 485,344 $6.520 1.01% Quarterly Feb 25th
AXP $276.52 1,396,906 $2.800 1.01% Quarterly Feb 9th
FRD $15.34 3,381 $0.160 1.04% Quarterly Feb 3rd
MKTX $284.50 325,358 $2.960 1.04% Quarterly Feb 22nd
ATR $167.19 469,683 $1.800 1.08% Quarterly Feb 15th
LEN $181.60 1,263,183 $2.000 1.10% Quarterly Feb 10th
CWB $77.50 378,259 $0.854 1.10% Monthly Feb 4th
PFSI $108.16 193,356 $1.200 1.11% Quarterly Feb 23rd
FUL $79.62 183,943 $0.890 1.12% Quarterly Feb 20th
EBR $7.00 768,637 $0.078 1.12% Annual Feb 19th
MWA $22.91 803,722 $0.256 1.12% Quarterly Feb 20th
YMAX $17.69 862,218 $0.200 1.13% Other Feb 28th
YMAX $17.69 862,218 $0.200 1.13% Other Feb 28th
YMAX $17.69 862,218 $0.200 1.13% Other Feb 28th
YMAX $17.69 862,218 $0.200 1.13% Other Feb 28th
DHC $3.52 795,477 $0.040 1.14% Quarterly Feb 13th
WSFS $51.32 134,446 $0.600 1.17% Quarterly Feb 22nd
GGG $86.99 334,982 $1.020 1.17% Quarterly Feb 2nd
AMP $504.35 250,589 $5.920 1.17% Quarterly Feb 20th
SSBK $30.65 30,334 $0.360 1.17% Quarterly Feb 14th
SIG $97.58 611,754 $1.160 1.19% Quarterly Feb 23rd
IRMD $50.37 37,035 $0.600 1.19% Quarterly Feb 26th
WT $10.11 1,405,173 $0.120 1.19% Quarterly Feb 27th
LEN.B $167.71 45,846 $2.000 1.19% Quarterly Feb 10th
LYTS $16.56 41,259 $0.200 1.21% Quarterly Feb 11th
IWMY $34.65 93,793 $0.420 1.21% Other Feb 28th
IWMY $34.65 93,793 $0.420 1.21% Other Feb 28th
IWMY $34.65 93,793 $0.420 1.21% Other Feb 28th
IWMY $34.65 93,793 $0.420 1.21% Other Feb 28th
KBH $81.21 1,220,821 $1.000 1.23% Quarterly Feb 15th
APTV $71.09 2,295,324 $0.880 1.24% Quarterly Feb 19th
BAH $162.65 577,574 $2.040 1.25% Quarterly Feb 25th
APOG $79.31 110,278 $1.000 1.26% Quarterly Feb 13th
RATE $18.91 1,425 $0.240 1.27% Monthly Feb 10th
DNUT $10.91 1,160,525 $0.140 1.28% Quarterly Feb 7th
HTBI $34.15 48,928 $0.440 1.29% Quarterly Feb 29th
OUSA $54.48 106,232 $0.706 1.30% Monthly Feb 24th
TPHE $26.00 997 $0.339 1.31% Monthly Feb 11th
MMS $90.89 124,127 $1.200 1.32% Quarterly Feb 29th
ST $36.49 1,193,945 $0.480 1.32% Quarterly Feb 27th
TIP $109.37 1,095,764 $1.458 1.33% Monthly Feb 4th
FCFS $113.64 171,918 $1.520 1.34% Quarterly Feb 28th
SNX $119.79 345,281 $1.600 1.34% Quarterly Feb 2nd
BY $26.11 86,469 $0.360 1.38% Quarterly Feb 20th
DELL $128.35 5,799,745 $1.780 1.39% Quarterly Feb 3rd
NUE $152.84 1,059,259 $2.160 1.41% Quarterly Feb 9th
CEFD $20.50 802 $0.290 1.41% Other Feb 19th
FBK $47.73 125,665 $0.680 1.42% Quarterly Feb 21st
CAT $393.95 2,993,543 $5.640 1.43% Quarterly Feb 18th
AMAL $33.55 130,572 $0.480 1.43% Quarterly Feb 21st
DE $407.72 995,733 $5.880 1.44% Quarterly Feb 6th
DCI $73.91 445,980 $1.080 1.46% Quarterly Feb 24th
SCHW $67.82 7,652,455 $1.000 1.47% Quarterly Feb 23rd
YMAG $18.94 507,581 $0.280 1.48% Other Feb 28th
YMAG $18.94 507,581 $0.280 1.48% Other Feb 28th
YMAG $18.94 507,581 $0.280 1.48% Other Feb 28th
YMAG $18.94 507,581 $0.280 1.48% Other Feb 28th
OPY $48.23 13,453 $0.720 1.49% Quarterly Feb 23rd
PVBC $10.53 18,064 $0.160 1.52% Quarterly Feb 24th
LVS $52.27 4,262,329 $0.800 1.53% Quarterly Feb 13th
COF $156.61 2,379,350 $2.400 1.53% Quarterly Feb 20th
BBD $2.67 25,690,299 $0.042 1.56% Monthly Feb 9th
WSM $146.12 972,439 $2.280 1.56% Quarterly Feb 23rd
BJRI $33.25 345,781 $0.520 1.56% Quarterly Feb 25th
CTSH $76.77 1,990,515 $1.200 1.56% Quarterly Feb 24th
KNOP $6.59 101,508 $0.104 1.58% Quarterly Feb 5th
HNRG $10.04 315,584 $0.160 1.59% Quarterly Feb 14th
FRBA $14.99 35,766 $0.240 1.60% Quarterly Feb 23rd
WTFC $112.21 248,744 $1.800 1.60% Quarterly Feb 22nd
BBDO $2.35 4,258 $0.038 1.61% Monthly Feb 8th
BBAR $12.02 573,511 $0.194 1.61% Monthly Feb 9th
DLB $74.36 265,372 $1.200 1.61% Quarterly Feb 21st
TKR $84.65 330,227 $1.360 1.61% Quarterly Feb 27th
ACN $364.60 2,065,765 $5.920 1.62% Quarterly Feb 17th
MGYR $12.25 150 $0.200 1.63% Quarterly Feb 22nd
STZ $245.71 1,059,964 $4.040 1.64% Quarterly Feb 23rd
RGA $217.53 208,092 $3.560 1.64% Quarterly Feb 27th
SPFI $34.09 50,192 $0.560 1.64% Quarterly Feb 10th
LOW $280.73 1,735,569 $4.600 1.64% Quarterly Feb 6th
OVLY $27.20 7,629 $0.450 1.65% Semi-Annual Feb 7th
AOS $82.62 1,327,974 $1.360 1.65% Quarterly Feb 14th
STIP $101.04 170,032 $1.677 1.66% Monthly Feb 4th
ABM $53.98 535,349 $0.900 1.67% Quarterly Feb 5th
AFL $114.07 1,256,830 $2.000 1.75% Quarterly Feb 27th
OSK $104.56 464,415 $1.840 1.76% Quarterly Feb 28th
BDT.CA $31.90 235,873 $0.560 1.76% Monthly Feb 17th
ATHM $32.37 385,863 $0.570 1.76% Annual Feb 8th
FXC $70.89 4,648 $1.258 1.77% Monthly Feb 7th
SPIP $26.01 79,824 $0.464 1.78% Monthly Feb 6th
SPLV $72.45 1,294,083 $1.299 1.79% Monthly Feb 25th
ODC $69.24 20,333 $1.240 1.79% Quarterly Feb 24th
TRGP $166.66 1,483,469 $3.000 1.80% Quarterly Feb 14th
NRG $90.08 1,924,885 $1.630 1.81% Quarterly Feb 14th
HOMZ $49.82 1,732 $0.900 1.81% Monthly Feb 16th
ISDR $11.00 14,831 $0.200 1.82% Quarterly Feb 13th
GNE $16.19 63,134 $0.300 1.85% Quarterly Feb 25th
SYF $53.69 2,869,575 $1.000 1.86% Quarterly Feb 15th
ABT $117.25 3,621,568 $2.200 1.88% Quarterly Feb 12th
PLAY $33.96 1,161,076 $0.640 1.88% Quarterly Feb 10th
GD $301.86 574,903 $5.680 1.88% Quarterly Feb 22nd
LTPZ $55.85 28,278 $1.080 1.93% Monthly Feb 3rd
OPI $2.02 241,858 $0.040 1.98% Quarterly Feb 13th
CL $100.73 3,027,226 $2.000 1.99% Quarterly Feb 17th
Show more

At the top of this article, we mentioned that the lists of stocks that pay dividends in February that you were about to see were drawn from among the most popular stocks that we track in our Income Calendar system (i.e. this is not all stocks that pay dividends in February but rather a selection of popular ones). If this mention of Income Calendar is the first you're hearing of it, Income Calendar is a new tool that tracks dividend declarations and payments as they are made — through email notifications and an easy-to-read dashboard. Income Calendar is like having a personal assistant that is tracking each and every dividend payment we're owed, from declaration to ex-date to receipt. Learn more about Income Calendar.

Moving on to our next group of stocks that pay dividends in February, we advance up to dividend yields in the range of 2-4%. This dividend yield band is attractive to many investors because at 2%, 3%, and 4%, the yields can often compare favorably to other fixed income opportunities, but unlike fixed income which typically only offers a return of principal, a well-chosen basket of dividend stocks can also deliver growth, via dividend increases over time and/or stock price appreciation.

Stocks That Pay 2-4% Dividends In February

Dividend Stock Recent Stock Price Recent Trading Volume Recent Dividend Rate Recent Dividend Yield Dividend Frequency February Pay Day Expected
DGX $149.00 678,835 $3.000 2.01% Quarterly Feb 3rd
BOKF $109.33 94,136 $2.200 2.01% Quarterly Feb 28th
MTG $25.80 690,124 $0.520 2.02% Quarterly Feb 29th
KMPR $61.34 349,379 $1.240 2.02% Quarterly Feb 26th
HTLF $59.32 91,968 $1.200 2.02% Quarterly Feb 23rd
FAST $76.69 4,962,074 $1.560 2.03% Quarterly Feb 29th
DGRW $84.77 302,231 $1.740 2.05% Monthly Feb 27th
BWX $22.52 644,828 $0.464 2.06% Monthly Feb 4th
WTTR $11.48 414,151 $0.240 2.09% Quarterly Feb 17th
IBOC $62.73 213,861 $1.320 2.10% Semi-Annual Feb 28th
CWT $53.22 188,695 $1.120 2.10% Quarterly Feb 15th
WMK $64.43 48,421 $1.360 2.11% Quarterly Feb 25th
BX $155.49 2,546,394 $3.280 2.11% Quarterly Feb 10th
HNVR $18.86 542 $0.400 2.12% Quarterly Feb 13th
NSC $253.84 890,569 $5.400 2.13% Quarterly Feb 20th
HTH $31.56 351,558 $0.680 2.15% Quarterly Feb 23rd
ICVT $84.47 61,540 $1.813 2.15% Monthly Feb 4th
JEF $64.90 1,052,295 $1.400 2.16% Quarterly Feb 20th
SIXH $37.54 339 $0.819 2.18% Monthly Feb 25th
AWK $140.37 594,206 $3.060 2.18% Quarterly Feb 29th
MNSB $18.15 1,446 $0.400 2.20% Quarterly Feb 9th
SQM $40.25 1,419,078 $0.886 2.20% Quarterly Feb 28th
NECB $27.20 74,269 $0.600 2.21% Quarterly Feb 2nd
APD $320.34 1,052,419 $7.080 2.21% Quarterly Feb 12th
BKR $37.63 2,416,694 $0.840 2.23% Quarterly Feb 14th
SUB $105.89 166,131 $2.378 2.25% Monthly Feb 4th
JPM $221.48 8,445,208 $5.000 2.26% Quarterly Feb 1st
FBIZ $44.29 23,450 $1.000 2.26% Quarterly Feb 17th
GBX $52.52 177,766 $1.200 2.28% Quarterly Feb 15th
CZWI $14.06 1,868 $0.320 2.28% Annual Feb 23rd
CBRL $43.51 402,025 $1.000 2.30% Quarterly Feb 8th
CF $87.00 878,595 $2.000 2.30% Quarterly Feb 28th
SHM $47.95 452,546 $1.110 2.31% Monthly Feb 4th
WMG $31.11 624,572 $0.720 2.31% Quarterly Feb 25th
BNDX $49.93 2,035,460 $1.158 2.32% Monthly Feb 3rd
TVC $23.01 17,005 $0.534 2.32% Quarterly Feb 29th
PG $172.51 5,460,020 $4.026 2.33% Quarterly Feb 16th
TIPX $18.83 63,165 $0.441 2.34% Monthly Feb 4th
GTIP $49.50 10,020 $1.169 2.36% Monthly Feb 7th
TTEK $49.01 1,631,935 $1.160 2.37% Quarterly Feb 25th
DLN $80.17 63,951 $1.920 2.39% Monthly Feb 27th
SRCE $60.09 105,139 $1.440 2.40% Quarterly Feb 10th
SBUX $94.76 4,118,264 $2.280 2.41% Quarterly Feb 23rd
WWW $16.60 768,821 $0.400 2.41% Quarterly Feb 1st
DTD $78.11 8,682 $1.920 2.46% Monthly Feb 27th
EWBC $89.30 648,699 $2.200 2.46% Quarterly Feb 16th
BITI $7.14 11,589,243 $0.177 2.47% Monthly Feb 8th
IBND $29.85 18,091 $0.738 2.47% Monthly Feb 4th
PBHC $16.16 5,246 $0.400 2.48% Quarterly Feb 3rd
FSP $1.61 189,600 $0.040 2.48% Quarterly Feb 15th
VALU $48.33 1,803 $1.200 2.48% Quarterly Feb 10th
PVI $25.00 6,329 $0.627 2.51% Monthly Feb 25th
WFC $62.16 30,513,289 $1.600 2.57% Quarterly Feb 25th
ITM $46.51 139,584 $1.205 2.59% Monthly Feb 4th
TXN $208.66 3,289,807 $5.440 2.61% Quarterly Feb 11th
MCBS $30.64 23,857 $0.800 2.61% Quarterly Feb 8th
ACI $18.26 2,279,062 $0.480 2.63% Quarterly Feb 8th
HMST $15.06 46,285 $0.400 2.66% Quarterly Feb 23rd
MVRL $17.27 4,075 $0.460 2.66% Other Feb 19th
FSBC $30.04 14,534 $0.800 2.66% Quarterly Feb 10th
UNM $62.97 890,709 $1.680 2.67% Quarterly Feb 16th
CNXC $49.22 953,034 $1.331 2.70% Quarterly Feb 7th
RBB $23.58 44,305 $0.640 2.71% Quarterly Feb 9th
QDIV $36.46 1,338 $0.996 2.73% Monthly Feb 10th
LEVI $19.04 1,591,798 $0.520 2.73% Quarterly Feb 14th
GABC $39.55 62,473 $1.080 2.73% Quarterly Feb 20th
PLBC $39.35 7,954 $1.080 2.74% Quarterly Feb 14th
LCUT $6.21 46,906 $0.170 2.74% Quarterly Feb 14th
PAYX $142.35 1,424,653 $3.920 2.75% Quarterly Feb 27th
PAG $154.78 104,782 $4.280 2.77% Quarterly Feb 29th
HP $35.99 1,033,637 $1.000 2.78% Quarterly Feb 26th
CDL $68.17 14,209 $1.894 2.78% Monthly Feb 11th
PKX $66.62 191,468 $1.867 2.80% Quarterly Feb 6th
BG $96.22 778,627 $2.720 2.83% Quarterly Feb 29th
SBFG $19.69 8,529 $0.560 2.84% Quarterly Feb 23rd
IBCP $33.40 62,837 $0.960 2.87% Quarterly Feb 13th
XIU.CA $37.10 1,858,114 $1.064 2.87% Quarterly Feb 25th
UTL $58.78 24,608 $1.700 2.89% Quarterly Feb 27th
CMF $57.50 125,752 $1.667 2.90% Monthly Feb 4th
DFCF $42.64 359,779 $1.242 2.91% Monthly Feb 24th
CBAN $15.47 18,841 $0.450 2.91% Quarterly Feb 20th
CGMU $27.30 255,538 $0.806 2.95% Monthly Feb 3rd
NOK $4.40 12,984,673 $0.130 2.95% Quarterly Feb 13th
EBTC $32.44 21,456 $0.960 2.96% Quarterly Feb 28th
BNDW $69.69 48,715 $2.072 2.97% Monthly Feb 24th
DFSD $47.61 279,872 $1.427 3.00% Monthly Feb 25th
NRP $100.00 32,124 $3.000 3.00% Quarterly Feb 23rd
RAIL $12.01 570,318 $0.360 3.00% Quarterly Feb 23rd
VNO $40.05 868,543 $1.200 3.00% Annual Feb 10th
CLX $161.51 980,885 $4.880 3.02% Quarterly Feb 8th
REYN $30.28 466,809 $0.920 3.04% Quarterly Feb 27th
TFI $46.26 377,948 $1.408 3.04% Monthly Feb 4th
FCF $17.06 324,435 $0.520 3.05% Quarterly Feb 17th
VBTX $26.16 120,684 $0.800 3.06% Quarterly Feb 23rd
FBMS $32.70 89,232 $1.000 3.06% Quarterly Feb 22nd
MUB $107.62 1,457,451 $3.310 3.08% Monthly Feb 4th
NI $34.22 1,695,648 $1.060 3.10% Quarterly Feb 26th
AROC $21.32 974,327 $0.660 3.10% Quarterly Feb 13th
DON $51.74 60,075 $1.620 3.13% Monthly Feb 25th
DMF $7.29 21,652 $0.228 3.13% Monthly Feb 29th
SPHD $50.36 279,697 $1.584 3.15% Monthly Feb 25th
BKU $36.80 616,901 $1.160 3.15% Quarterly Feb 1st
ABBV $195.65 3,319,041 $6.200 3.17% Quarterly Feb 12th
PICB $22.83 6,045 $0.724 3.17% Monthly Feb 25th
TSBK $30.23 4,934 $0.960 3.18% Quarterly Feb 23rd
IHTA $7.54 94,398 $0.240 3.18% Monthly Feb 29th
VTEB $50.62 2,306,264 $1.610 3.18% Monthly Feb 3rd
LNT $60.38 956,900 $1.920 3.18% Quarterly Feb 14th
STBA $41.19 126,789 $1.320 3.20% Quarterly Feb 23rd
IEI $117.68 526,538 $3.779 3.21% Monthly Feb 4th
CMRE $14.30 219,464 $0.460 3.22% Quarterly Feb 4th
FMB $51.60 78,484 $1.668 3.23% Monthly Feb 26th
GOVT $23.00 3,141,677 $0.746 3.24% Monthly Feb 4th
IDA $102.60 159,810 $3.320 3.24% Quarterly Feb 27th
SKT $33.64 359,015 $1.100 3.27% Quarterly Feb 14th
ZION $50.08 906,146 $1.640 3.27% Quarterly Feb 22nd
KB $69.99 280,040 $2.294 3.28% Quarterly Feb 14th
DMB $10.98 41,941 $0.360 3.28% Monthly Feb 1st
MS $112.28 6,817,007 $3.700 3.30% Quarterly Feb 14th
AUB $38.61 310,576 $1.280 3.32% Quarterly Feb 23rd
WBS $48.10 1,138,057 $1.600 3.33% Quarterly Feb 8th
RY.CA $170.38 4,152,808 $5.680 3.33% Quarterly Feb 23rd
JMST $50.80 233,203 $1.698 3.34% Monthly Feb 3rd
ALLY $35.79 3,950,930 $1.200 3.35% Quarterly Feb 14th
FHI $36.98 452,664 $1.240 3.35% Quarterly Feb 14th
SPDV $33.95 1,532 $1.140 3.36% Monthly Feb 28th
SPDV $33.95 1,532 $1.140 3.36% Monthly Feb 28th
CID $33.29 185 $1.117 3.36% Monthly Feb 12th
AAL $11.87 20,283,931 $0.400 3.37% Quarterly Feb 19th
MUR $35.49 1,021,314 $1.200 3.38% Quarterly Feb 25th
BSRR $28.37 12,074 $0.960 3.38% Quarterly Feb 14th
C $66.01 13,617,610 $2.240 3.39% Quarterly Feb 23rd
PNC $188.52 2,139,425 $6.400 3.39% Quarterly Feb 2nd
CMBS $47.88 22,667 $1.627 3.40% Monthly Feb 4th
HBT $22.19 20,980 $0.760 3.42% Quarterly Feb 13th
MLN $18.02 68,078 $0.618 3.43% Monthly Feb 4th
BSV $77.96 1,581,880 $2.672 3.43% Monthly Feb 3rd
AGZ $109.30 10,330 $3.762 3.44% Monthly Feb 4th
ADM $57.91 1,610,072 $2.000 3.45% Quarterly Feb 28th
DIA $430.89 2,151,588 $14.973 3.47% Monthly Feb 14th
XEL $63.02 3,045,524 $2.190 3.48% Quarterly Feb 2nd
DSM $6.15 81,787 $0.216 3.51% Monthly Feb 29th
WABC $49.69 71,614 $1.760 3.54% Quarterly Feb 14th
SPMB $22.14 446,320 $0.786 3.55% Monthly Feb 4th
LEO $6.41 126,084 $0.228 3.56% Monthly Feb 29th
TXNM $43.49 884,342 $1.550 3.56% Quarterly Feb 13th
CBFV $28.04 489 $1.000 3.57% Quarterly Feb 29th
IEF $95.69 3,827,945 $3.431 3.59% Monthly Feb 4th
BND $73.77 3,378,980 $2.648 3.59% Monthly Feb 3rd
SD $12.22 271,889 $0.440 3.60% Quarterly Feb 16th
ENLC $14.70 826,442 $0.530 3.61% Quarterly Feb 8th
HRL $31.23 1,526,225 $1.130 3.62% Quarterly Feb 13th
ALTG $6.28 268,624 $0.228 3.63% Quarterly Feb 29th
VGIT $59.31 1,065,380 $2.159 3.64% Monthly Feb 3rd
SJM $118.21 550,015 $4.320 3.65% Quarterly Feb 28th
DES $34.56 65,362 $1.260 3.65% Monthly Feb 27th
SPTI $28.53 676,839 $1.047 3.67% Monthly Feb 4th
BIV $76.84 618,374 $2.830 3.68% Monthly Feb 3rd
GROW $2.44 35,009 $0.090 3.69% Monthly Feb 27th
SGC $15.19 23,392 $0.560 3.69% Quarterly Feb 27th
BNDD $14.09 4,414 $0.521 3.70% Monthly Feb 2nd
PZZA $49.54 832,667 $1.840 3.71% Quarterly Feb 15th
AGG $99.41 3,490,784 $3.688 3.71% Monthly Feb 4th
UTWO $48.36 50,365 $1.804 3.73% Monthly Feb 2nd
APA $26.71 3,728,519 $1.000 3.74% Quarterly Feb 20th
PKE $13.36 33,794 $0.500 3.74% Quarterly Feb 5th
VMBS $46.43 573,772 $1.741 3.75% Monthly Feb 3rd
IBTK $19.65 16,628 $0.743 3.78% Monthly Feb 4th
SPTL $27.85 2,359,565 $1.052 3.78% Monthly Feb 4th
FTBD $49.66 2,003 $1.884 3.79% Monthly Feb 28th
FTBD $49.66 2,003 $1.884 3.79% Monthly Feb 28th
OILK $45.07 25,047 $1.706 3.79% Monthly Feb 8th
KVUE $21.60 18,475,967 $0.820 3.80% Quarterly Feb 27th
SPAB $25.66 1,006,333 $0.978 3.81% Monthly Feb 4th
SLQD $50.06 91,138 $1.912 3.82% Monthly Feb 4th
PAGP $18.78 778,137 $0.720 3.83% Quarterly Feb 14th
UTEN $44.23 39,661 $1.693 3.83% Monthly Feb 2nd
LAZ $52.19 749,149 $2.000 3.83% Quarterly Feb 21st
IBTI $22.20 109,553 $0.854 3.85% Monthly Feb 6th
IBDQ $25.04 290,850 $0.963 3.85% Monthly Feb 4th
LGOV $21.73 84,440 $0.840 3.87% Monthly Feb 26th
CXH $8.19 4,660 $0.318 3.88% Monthly Feb 2nd
HYD $52.55 262,539 $2.040 3.88% Monthly Feb 4th
CFG $43.27 3,898,456 $1.680 3.88% Quarterly Feb 14th
IBTJ $21.73 34,604 $0.845 3.89% Monthly Feb 4th
MRBK $12.85 7,001 $0.500 3.89% Quarterly Feb 18th
JHG $39.95 736,547 $1.560 3.90% Quarterly Feb 26th
HAS $71.57 766,675 $2.800 3.91% Quarterly Feb 14th
TMP $62.35 34,468 $2.440 3.91% Quarterly Feb 14th
SPTS $29.18 485,278 $1.147 3.93% Monthly Feb 4th
IBTL $20.35 8,546 $0.800 3.93% Monthly Feb 4th
ISTB $48.21 292,326 $1.893 3.93% Monthly Feb 4th
AES $17.46 5,750,372 $0.690 3.95% Quarterly Feb 15th
STAG $37.38 789,667 $1.480 3.96% Monthly Feb 14th
SHY $82.50 1,847,562 $3.276 3.97% Monthly Feb 4th
MBB $94.17 654,333 $3.736 3.97% Monthly Feb 4th
JBGS $17.62 209,122 $0.700 3.97% Quarterly Feb 21st
VCSH $78.77 1,403,007 $3.126 3.97% Monthly Feb 3rd
BSCP $20.67 360,051 $0.827 4.00% Monthly Feb 25th
LXFR $12.99 98,836 $0.520 4.00% Quarterly Feb 1st
Show more

As we continue up in yield levels, we next enter the levels that well exceed the long-term rate of expected inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index; in this next group of stocks that pay dividends in February (based on typical payout schedule we see in our system), we advance upwards to those dividend yields registering in the range of 4% to 6%.

Stocks That Pay 4-6% Dividends In February

Dividend Stock Recent Stock Price Recent Trading Volume Recent Dividend Rate Recent Dividend Yield Dividend Frequency February Pay Day Expected
BSCP $20.67 360,051 $0.827 4.00% Monthly Feb 25th
LXFR $12.99 98,836 $0.520 4.00% Quarterly Feb 1st
VGLT $58.97 1,026,821 $2.364 4.01% Monthly Feb 3rd
IUSB $46.31 1,980,602 $1.855 4.01% Monthly Feb 4th
NXST $168.48 185,838 $6.760 4.01% Quarterly Feb 23rd
ARMN $4.47 175,946 $0.180 4.03% Monthly Feb 15th
TLT $93.77 28,561,052 $3.789 4.04% Monthly Feb 4th
PEY $21.90 150,218 $0.887 4.05% Monthly Feb 25th
OKE $97.50 1,959,583 $3.960 4.06% Quarterly Feb 10th
CSH.UN.CA $15.09 337,086 $0.612 4.06% Monthly Feb 17th
GNMA $43.95 29,353 $1.785 4.06% Monthly Feb 4th
TLH $105.19 308,085 $4.292 4.08% Monthly Feb 4th
HYMU $23.00 61,595 $0.938 4.08% Monthly Feb 4th
ADC $74.33 465,247 $3.036 4.08% Monthly Feb 13th
IBTG $22.90 177,218 $0.936 4.09% Monthly Feb 4th
LARK $20.47 1,181 $0.840 4.10% Quarterly Feb 28th
IGSB $52.23 874,029 $2.142 4.10% Monthly Feb 4th
BSCQ $19.52 512,837 $0.801 4.10% Monthly Feb 25th
FTS.CA $59.74 1,079,253 $2.460 4.12% Quarterly Feb 27th
AFB $11.54 109,273 $0.475 4.12% Monthly Feb 17th
IYLD $20.49 19,627 $0.843 4.12% Monthly Feb 7th
OBIL $50.06 14,017 $2.066 4.13% Monthly Feb 2nd
FYLG $28.11 2,917 $1.164 4.14% Monthly Feb 28th
LAND $13.49 109,851 $0.560 4.15% Monthly Feb 26th
DHS $95.33 12,144 $3.960 4.15% Monthly Feb 27th
VGSH $58.55 947,327 $2.428 4.15% Monthly Feb 3rd
LMBS $49.06 384,409 $2.040 4.16% Monthly Feb 26th
BSCR $19.64 311,038 $0.823 4.19% Monthly Feb 25th
CASH.CA $50.07 268,452 $2.100 4.19% Monthly Feb 10th
SASR $32.43 134,014 $1.360 4.19% Quarterly Feb 20th
IBDR $24.17 427,906 $1.016 4.20% Monthly Feb 4th
HFWA $21.88 58,269 $0.920 4.20% Quarterly Feb 21st
QLTA $48.31 45,175 $2.035 4.21% Monthly Feb 4th
PCK $6.11 107,701 $0.258 4.22% Monthly Feb 2nd
VRTS $212.78 31,171 $9.000 4.23% Quarterly Feb 10th
BLV $72.59 467,120 $3.092 4.26% Monthly Feb 3rd
HYMB $26.06 286,358 $1.110 4.26% Monthly Feb 4th
KALU $72.21 82,554 $3.080 4.27% Quarterly Feb 14th
XRE.CA $16.77 127,630 $0.720 4.29% Monthly Feb 25th
SLG $70.01 649,320 $3.000 4.29% Monthly Feb 14th
MNY.CA $100.21 15,835 $4.304 4.30% Monthly Feb 5th
BKH $60.45 480,725 $2.600 4.30% Quarterly Feb 26th
SBSI $33.39 51,172 $1.440 4.31% Quarterly Feb 29th
VCIT $82.47 1,642,925 $3.564 4.32% Monthly Feb 3rd
UTHY $44.37 1,706 $1.916 4.32% Monthly Feb 2nd
OCFC $18.43 163,465 $0.800 4.34% Quarterly Feb 14th
VTC $77.99 30,222 $3.391 4.35% Monthly Feb 3rd
AGGY $44.07 58,174 $1.920 4.36% Monthly Feb 24th
PCQ $9.88 42,087 $0.432 4.37% Monthly Feb 2nd
ING $17.37 1,172,603 $0.760 4.38% Semi-Annual Feb 19th
BSCU $16.75 305,383 $0.736 4.39% Monthly Feb 25th
FHB $23.63 308,436 $1.040 4.40% Quarterly Feb 27th
CORP $97.93 27,869 $4.320 4.41% Monthly Feb 3rd
BSCS $20.42 235,748 $0.901 4.41% Monthly Feb 25th
BSCT $18.64 222,711 $0.823 4.42% Monthly Feb 25th
IBDS $24.20 251,439 $1.069 4.42% Monthly Feb 4th
SPIB $33.33 1,380,075 $1.472 4.42% Monthly Feb 4th
IGIB $52.93 651,303 $2.337 4.42% Monthly Feb 4th
XONE $49.70 32,239 $2.201 4.43% Monthly Feb 4th
MATW $21.66 108,395 $0.960 4.43% Quarterly Feb 17th
MHI $9.47 22,657 $0.420 4.44% Monthly Feb 29th
IBTF $23.33 237,352 $1.035 4.44% Monthly Feb 4th
LQD $110.82 4,277,976 $4.935 4.45% Monthly Feb 4th
IBDV $21.82 197,321 $0.973 4.46% Monthly Feb 4th
CONL $29.22 13,808,723 $1.303 4.46% Monthly Feb 29th
USIG $51.75 362,151 $2.310 4.46% Monthly Feb 4th
XDV.CA $31.45 25,417 $1.404 4.46% Monthly Feb 25th
MAV $8.72 52,764 $0.390 4.47% Monthly Feb 29th
ATLO $17.77 6,537 $0.800 4.50% Quarterly Feb 14th
CALM $90.55 497,619 $4.076 4.50% Quarterly Feb 14th
AESI $20.40 651,341 $0.920 4.51% Quarterly Feb 28th
MLPX $57.47 99,277 $2.600 4.52% Quarterly Feb 14th
NETL $26.56 4,126 $1.200 4.52% Monthly Feb 25th
GIGB $46.51 36,696 $2.106 4.53% Monthly Feb 7th
IBDP $25.15 265,145 $1.143 4.54% Monthly Feb 4th
BSCO $21.17 249,386 $0.964 4.55% Monthly Feb 25th
BMY $52.67 6,279,432 $2.400 4.56% Quarterly Feb 1st
MFM $5.64 94,538 $0.258 4.57% Monthly Feb 2nd
IBDT $25.28 138,605 $1.157 4.58% Monthly Feb 4th
ILTB $51.45 74,066 $2.358 4.58% Monthly Feb 4th
BMRC $21.80 46,490 $1.000 4.59% Quarterly Feb 10th
RY $123.43 396,631 $5.680 4.60% Quarterly Feb 23rd
DCF $9.13 49,845 $0.420 4.60% Monthly Feb 24th
KMI $24.88 15,511,512 $1.150 4.62% Quarterly Feb 14th
XBIL $50.08 176,440 $2.320 4.63% Monthly Feb 2nd
PNI $7.61 50,920 $0.354 4.65% Monthly Feb 2nd
EOT $17.62 30,268 $0.820 4.65% Monthly Feb 29th
BSCV $16.48 151,957 $0.766 4.65% Monthly Feb 25th
IBD $23.93 21,158 $1.116 4.66% Monthly Feb 3rd
IBDU $23.21 213,065 $1.081 4.66% Monthly Feb 4th
WIP $38.99 22,672 $1.821 4.67% Monthly Feb 4th
DYLD $22.83 9,978 $1.069 4.68% Monthly Feb 3rd
XHYD $38.26 3,269 $1.791 4.68% Monthly Feb 4th
PREF $18.73 82,092 $0.876 4.68% Monthly Feb 3rd
IGLB $52.21 230,293 $2.447 4.69% Monthly Feb 4th
NHI $76.41 413,453 $3.600 4.71% Quarterly Feb 2nd
DGICA $14.60 27,731 $0.690 4.73% Quarterly Feb 15th
XYLG $32.55 5,066 $1.538 4.73% Monthly Feb 28th
PAI $13.03 17,842 $0.618 4.74% Monthly Feb 25th
FPFD $22.27 3,193 $1.056 4.74% Monthly Feb 28th
FPFD $22.27 3,193 $1.056 4.74% Monthly Feb 28th
CAG $29.45 2,531,231 $1.400 4.75% Quarterly Feb 27th
BSCX $21.31 50,702 $1.012 4.75% Monthly Feb 24th
CMU $3.65 38,209 $0.174 4.77% Monthly Feb 2nd
TFLO $50.50 1,184,968 $2.416 4.78% Monthly Feb 4th
VCLT $79.10 873,159 $3.782 4.78% Monthly Feb 3rd
KT $15.10 335,658 $0.721 4.78% Quarterly Feb 5th
IBDW $20.88 147,916 $0.999 4.79% Monthly Feb 4th
MSB $25.04 31,421 $1.200 4.79% Quarterly Feb 19th
BSCW $20.70 94,118 $0.991 4.79% Monthly Feb 27th
PZC $7.38 87,327 $0.354 4.80% Monthly Feb 2nd
IBDY $25.96 203,082 $1.252 4.82% Monthly Feb 4th
IBDX $25.29 68,215 $1.221 4.83% Monthly Feb 4th
INN $6.61 333,883 $0.320 4.84% Quarterly Feb 28th
INCM $27.18 128,082 $1.315 4.84% Monthly Feb 6th
NNN $47.95 516,978 $2.320 4.84% Quarterly Feb 14th
XHLF $50.27 152,883 $2.436 4.85% Monthly Feb 4th
PMX $8.16 82,816 $0.396 4.85% Monthly Feb 2nd
EBF $20.58 771,310 $1.000 4.86% Quarterly Feb 1st
BRFS $4.16 1,957,409 $0.202 4.86% Semi-Annual Feb 25th
BMO.CA $127.51 4,853,247 $6.200 4.86% Quarterly Feb 25th
PYN $6.12 22,898 $0.298 4.86% Monthly Feb 2nd
BIL $91.59 4,094,745 $4.455 4.86% Monthly Feb 4th
NWN $40.25 145,556 $1.960 4.87% Quarterly Feb 14th
CXE $3.94 124,538 $0.192 4.87% Monthly Feb 2nd
GEL $13.53 179,585 $0.660 4.88% Quarterly Feb 13th
NEAR $50.85 102,122 $2.486 4.89% Monthly Feb 4th
SPSB $30.07 849,302 $1.472 4.90% Monthly Feb 4th
NDIV $29.26 8,760 $1.438 4.91% Monthly Feb 2nd
GBIL $100.02 305,287 $4.912 4.91% Monthly Feb 7th
MIO $12.21 18,695 $0.600 4.91% Monthly Feb 29th
PBT $12.36 158,862 $0.609 4.92% Monthly Feb 14th
CEMB $45.50 15,068 $2.241 4.93% Monthly Feb 4th
PNF $8.15 8,889 $0.402 4.93% Monthly Feb 2nd
CCA.CA $69.30 45,858 $3.416 4.93% Quarterly Feb 9th
FTSM $59.95 849,546 $2.964 4.94% Monthly Feb 2nd
SHV $110.34 2,913,862 $5.453 4.94% Monthly Feb 4th
DBND $46.45 23,011 $2.292 4.94% Monthly Feb 7th
TBIL $49.93 766,083 $2.471 4.95% Monthly Feb 2nd
IGHG $77.78 7,865 $3.860 4.96% Monthly Feb 8th
DCRE $51.64 18,159 $2.559 4.96% Monthly Feb 7th
IGI $17.18 5,086 $0.852 4.96% Monthly Feb 25th
UG $14.08 26,922 $0.700 4.97% Semi-Annual Feb 17th
HIE $12.31 21,635 $0.612 4.97% Monthly Feb 24th
JCPB $47.30 677,067 $2.349 4.97% Monthly Feb 3rd
PDCO $20.91 659,907 $1.040 4.97% Quarterly Feb 2nd
HAFC $20.06 307,688 $1.000 4.99% Quarterly Feb 19th
ULST $40.57 88,093 $2.027 5.00% Monthly Feb 4th
PPBI $26.39 368,455 $1.320 5.00% Quarterly Feb 10th
CLIP $100.25 60,488 $5.016 5.00% Monthly Feb 10th
HCA.CA $23.06 1,445 $1.152 5.00% Monthly Feb 9th
EMB $92.25 1,710,944 $4.626 5.01% Monthly Feb 4th
USFR $50.33 2,333,057 $2.520 5.01% Monthly Feb 25th
TOTL $40.62 287,994 $2.034 5.01% Monthly Feb 4th
SCHW.PRJ $22.17 32,461 $1.113 5.02% Quarterly Feb 28th
JPM.PRM $20.92 85,021 $1.050 5.02% Quarterly Feb 29th
PFS $19.08 499,884 $0.960 5.03% Quarterly Feb 23rd
NVEC $79.46 9,399 $4.000 5.03% Quarterly Feb 28th
ETX $18.67 8,580 $0.938 5.03% Monthly Feb 29th
ADNT $21.86 627,142 $1.100 5.03% Quarterly Feb 15th
BOND $92.98 207,292 $4.680 5.03% Monthly Feb 5th
TBLL $105.77 57,499 $5.316 5.03% Monthly Feb 24th
UCON $24.95 320,692 $1.260 5.05% Monthly Feb 26th
FPEI $18.98 97,241 $0.960 5.06% Monthly Feb 26th
JPM.PRL $22.81 78,884 $1.156 5.07% Quarterly Feb 29th
VUSB $49.75 379,690 $2.520 5.07% Monthly Feb 5th
OIA $6.88 163,093 $0.349 5.08% Monthly Feb 29th
JPM.PRK $22.38 60,276 $1.137 5.08% Quarterly Feb 29th
CU.CA $35.59 624,789 $1.812 5.09% Quarterly Feb 26th
BCBP $12.57 25,694 $0.640 5.09% Quarterly Feb 16th
O $62.11 3,124,594 $3.162 5.09% Monthly Feb 14th
POW.CA $44.19 3,150,186 $2.250 5.09% Quarterly Feb 2nd
LANDM $24.53 1,619 $1.250 5.10% Monthly Feb 26th
PMF $9.87 42,760 $0.504 5.11% Monthly Feb 2nd
SPBO $29.53 186,631 $1.510 5.11% Monthly Feb 4th
JPST $50.54 2,670,584 $2.592 5.13% Monthly Feb 3rd
ENX $9.75 21,512 $0.500 5.13% Monthly Feb 29th
SGOV $100.48 3,247,975 $5.156 5.13% Monthly Feb 4th
MINT $100.45 863,961 $5.160 5.14% Monthly Feb 3rd
KGS $31.80 759,587 $1.640 5.16% Quarterly Feb 19th
ICSH $50.58 879,012 $2.612 5.16% Monthly Feb 4th
CARY $21.00 48,664 $1.083 5.16% Monthly Feb 1st
FIBR $87.83 569 $4.545 5.17% Monthly Feb 6th
CPX.CA $50.36 461,587 $2.608 5.18% Quarterly Feb 1st
PFC $23.95 63,451 $1.240 5.18% Quarterly Feb 16th
JMBS $45.73 178,869 $2.374 5.19% Monthly Feb 7th
PEBO $30.80 107,710 $1.600 5.19% Quarterly Feb 17th
GSY $50.23 348,774 $2.606 5.19% Monthly Feb 25th
ETD $29.98 190,848 $1.560 5.20% Quarterly Feb 22nd
PML $9.11 144,585 $0.474 5.20% Monthly Feb 2nd
BAC.PRP $19.80 103,930 $1.031 5.21% Quarterly Feb 1st
KRT $26.82 24,754 $1.400 5.22% Quarterly Feb 29th
BRKL $10.34 311,870 $0.540 5.22% Quarterly Feb 23rd
REPX $29.02 59,842 $1.520 5.24% Quarterly Feb 7th
EXE.CA $9.15 53,539 $0.480 5.25% Monthly Feb 17th
DXV.CA $19.66 2,102 $1.032 5.25% Monthly Feb 25th
TTP $44.95 6,221 $2.360 5.25% Quarterly Feb 24th
BAC.PRO $20.83 35,507 $1.094 5.25% Quarterly Feb 1st
EICA $23.77 355 $1.250 5.26% Monthly Feb 24th
BAC.PRQ $20.19 47,986 $1.062 5.26% Quarterly Feb 18th
BNC.CA $27.78 300 $1.470 5.29% Monthly Feb 29th
BNC.CA $27.78 300 $1.470 5.29% Monthly Feb 29th
COLB $27.16 1,070,157 $1.440 5.30% Quarterly Feb 20th
EVM $9.45 64,391 $0.500 5.30% Monthly Feb 29th
GDV $24.86 89,924 $1.320 5.31% Monthly Feb 17th
VRP $24.55 235,190 $1.308 5.33% Monthly Feb 25th
VBF $16.65 15,452 $0.888 5.33% Monthly Feb 29th
HTBK $9.74 279,899 $0.520 5.34% Quarterly Feb 22nd
IBTE $23.94 396,426 $1.278 5.34% Monthly Feb 4th
DIV $18.61 155,666 $0.996 5.35% Monthly Feb 10th
UYLD $51.21 22,015 $2.752 5.37% Monthly Feb 29th
IHY $21.21 3,176 $1.141 5.38% Monthly Feb 4th
PMZ.UN.CA $15.54 130,321 $0.840 5.41% Monthly Feb 13th
MSBI $22.88 38,167 $1.240 5.42% Quarterly Feb 22nd
STK $34.04 18,783 $1.850 5.43% Quarterly Feb 19th
GRP.U $60.61 334 $3.300 5.44% Monthly Feb 16th
NRUC $25.41 11,430 $1.375 5.44% Quarterly Feb 14th
COF.PRN $19.49 17,515 $1.062 5.45% Quarterly Feb 28th
EQNR $25.66 3,258,152 $1.400 5.46% Quarterly Feb 24th
DOC $21.88 2,108,452 $1.200 5.48% Quarterly Feb 21st
ELD $27.39 2,586 $1.500 5.48% Monthly Feb 24th
FLDR $50.13 77,819 $2.748 5.48% Monthly Feb 28th
FLDR $50.13 77,819 $2.748 5.48% Monthly Feb 28th
VFL $10.94 67,491 $0.600 5.48% Monthly Feb 24th
DK $18.61 1,006,030 $1.020 5.48% Quarterly Feb 19th
HR.UN.CA $10.90 365,875 $0.600 5.50% Monthly Feb 17th
COF.PRL $19.84 19,465 $1.094 5.51% Quarterly Feb 28th
OCCIN $23.81 2,120 $1.312 5.51% Monthly Feb 27th
OCCIN $23.81 2,120 $1.312 5.51% Monthly Feb 27th
XMPT $22.87 25,492 $1.265 5.53% Monthly Feb 4th
BSBR $5.19 189,130 $0.287 5.53% Quarterly Feb 19th
PULS $49.65 1,290,745 $2.744 5.53% Monthly Feb 7th
CSHI $49.94 67,209 $2.761 5.53% Monthly Feb 26th
PHB $18.40 40,658 $1.023 5.56% Monthly Feb 25th
PGF $15.74 141,431 $0.877 5.57% Monthly Feb 25th
PGX $12.43 1,157,149 $0.692 5.57% Monthly Feb 25th
OPP.PRA $19.54 3,183 $1.094 5.60% Quarterly Feb 15th
IBHD $23.23 43,240 $1.303 5.61% Monthly Feb 4th
MHD $12.70 104,936 $0.714 5.62% Monthly Feb 1st
MHF $7.25 61,585 $0.408 5.63% Monthly Feb 25th
COF.PRK $20.52 6,418 $1.156 5.64% Quarterly Feb 28th
CEV $10.64 55,926 $0.600 5.64% Monthly Feb 17th
FTS $43.64 191,993 $2.460 5.64% Quarterly Feb 27th
SPFF $9.78 41,074 $0.552 5.64% Monthly Feb 10th
RF.PRC $25.24 22,912 $1.425 5.65% Quarterly Feb 14th
GEMD $41.61 2,932 $2.351 5.65% Monthly Feb 7th
FEMB $28.15 23,660 $1.590 5.65% Monthly Feb 26th
FLOT $50.90 931,972 $2.880 5.66% Monthly Feb 4th
OPP.PRB $20.94 4,628 $1.188 5.67% Quarterly Feb 15th
FLRN $30.77 362,443 $1.744 5.67% Monthly Feb 4th
EVN $10.84 73,325 $0.616 5.68% Monthly Feb 17th
SIA.CA $16.46 177,595 $0.936 5.69% Monthly Feb 17th
REI.UN.CA $19.43 292,127 $1.110 5.71% Monthly Feb 9th
JPM.PRD $25.20 129,381 $1.438 5.71% Quarterly Feb 29th
PDX $23.73 33,567 $1.360 5.73% Monthly Feb 1st
EIM $10.64 79,837 $0.610 5.73% Monthly Feb 29th
EBND $20.64 192,841 $1.184 5.74% Monthly Feb 4th
MAIN $51.13 321,240 $2.940 5.75% Monthly Feb 14th
CFFN $5.90 385,730 $0.340 5.76% Quarterly Feb 16th
CGABL $20.09 14,577 $1.156 5.76% Quarterly Feb 15th
AM $15.57 2,242,589 $0.900 5.78% Quarterly Feb 7th
PFE $29.08 23,213,905 $1.680 5.78% Quarterly Feb 19th
PAAA $51.12 247,644 $2.972 5.81% Monthly Feb 7th
COF.PRI $21.51 73,392 $1.250 5.81% Quarterly Feb 28th
SR.PRA $25.25 4,777 $1.475 5.84% Quarterly Feb 14th
PRFD $51.24 3,963 $3.000 5.85% Monthly Feb 3rd
BSJV $26.68 6,084 $1.563 5.86% Monthly Feb 24th
COF.PRJ $20.47 61,903 $1.200 5.86% Quarterly Feb 28th
SCHW.PRD $25.40 27,833 $1.488 5.86% Quarterly Feb 28th
SKM $23.08 228,873 $1.355 5.87% Quarterly Feb 20th
NBH $11.08 126,390 $0.650 5.87% Monthly Feb 14th
CMSD $24.98 26,984 $1.469 5.88% Quarterly Feb 29th
HYG $79.61 11,525,199 $4.683 5.88% Monthly Feb 4th
BNDI $48.00 35,184 $2.822 5.88% Monthly Feb 26th
VWOB $65.34 209,822 $3.850 5.89% Monthly Feb 3rd
CNO.PRA $21.75 502 $1.281 5.89% Quarterly Feb 25th
ARC $3.39 256,957 $0.200 5.90% Quarterly Feb 28th
JPM.PRC $25.41 91,858 $1.500 5.90% Quarterly Feb 29th
CHE.UN.CA $11.16 97,324 $0.660 5.91% Monthly Feb 1st
BAC.PRB $25.35 50,340 $1.500 5.92% Quarterly Feb 15th
ANGL $29.13 783,463 $1.727 5.93% Monthly Feb 4th
PYLD $26.31 543,327 $1.560 5.93% Monthly Feb 3rd
BLX $33.71 68,607 $2.000 5.93% Quarterly Feb 20th
HYLS $41.90 123,775 $2.490 5.94% Monthly Feb 26th
IDVO $31.34 28,930 $1.862 5.94% Monthly Feb 1st
PFF $33.37 2,364,173 $1.985 5.95% Monthly Feb 4th
PFD $11.99 21,106 $0.713 5.95% Monthly Feb 24th
CLOI $52.88 140,949 $3.144 5.95% Monthly Feb 4th
EFAS $15.11 2,194 $0.900 5.96% Monthly Feb 12th
NWBI $13.41 398,803 $0.800 5.97% Quarterly Feb 13th
EMLC $24.65 1,784,944 $1.474 5.98% Monthly Feb 4th
OZKAP $19.29 44,848 $1.156 5.99% Quarterly Feb 15th
CLOX $25.50 19,511 $1.528 5.99% Monthly Feb 8th
GLP $48.00 36,280 $2.880 6.00% Quarterly Feb 13th
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Take a deep breath, because as we continue up even further in yield levels, we will leave those 5% yields that already looked attactive, and we will now enter the levels in a band around 7% where arguably the dividend returns alone provide an extremely enticing potential reward against the investment cost, even without any future share price appreciation. In this next group of stocks that pay dividends in February we move up to those dividend yields registering in the range of 6% to 8%.

Stocks That Pay 6-8% Dividends In February

Dividend Stock Recent Stock Price Recent Trading Volume Recent Dividend Rate Recent Dividend Yield Dividend Frequency February Pay Day Expected
GLP $48.00 36,280 $2.880 6.00% Quarterly Feb 13th
KNTK $49.89 412,654 $3.000 6.01% Quarterly Feb 7th
FSYD $48.12 3,721 $2.904 6.03% Monthly Feb 2nd
JPIE $45.98 188,672 $2.770 6.03% Monthly Feb 3rd
BSJO $22.71 113,455 $1.372 6.04% Monthly Feb 25th
VWI $27.82 417 $1.680 6.04% Monthly Feb 26th
PFFD $20.85 646,768 $1.260 6.04% Monthly Feb 10th
FDHY $48.88 31,754 $2.952 6.04% Monthly Feb 28th
PSK $35.63 75,169 $2.160 6.06% Monthly Feb 4th
JPMB $39.86 21,716 $2.417 6.06% Monthly Feb 3rd
FIBK $30.97 332,318 $1.880 6.07% Quarterly Feb 18th
MMU $10.78 117,568 $0.654 6.07% Monthly Feb 25th
VRIG $25.14 171,933 $1.530 6.08% Monthly Feb 25th
FLTR $25.44 525,373 $1.555 6.11% Monthly Feb 4th
TRP.CA $62.81 3,705,805 $3.840 6.11% Quarterly Feb 1st
FPE $18.13 684,629 $1.110 6.12% Monthly Feb 26th
FLXR $39.22 19,156 $2.400 6.12% Monthly Feb 3rd
BSJR $22.65 40,826 $1.388 6.13% Monthly Feb 25th
FALN $27.11 568,731 $1.664 6.14% Monthly Feb 4th
XEMD $42.32 2,764 $2.598 6.14% Monthly Feb 4th
HYEM $19.78 99,922 $1.216 6.15% Monthly Feb 4th
RIV.PRA $24.37 4,502 $1.500 6.16% Quarterly Feb 15th
PCY $21.08 150,586 $1.298 6.16% Monthly Feb 25th
SBI $8.18 28,388 $0.504 6.16% Monthly Feb 25th
OCCIO $24.71 2,300 $1.531 6.20% Monthly Feb 27th
OCCIO $24.71 2,300 $1.531 6.20% Monthly Feb 27th
CQP $50.01 65,091 $3.100 6.20% Quarterly Feb 11th
RISR $34.71 7,794 $2.160 6.22% Monthly Feb 27th
NDP $40.43 4,919 $2.520 6.23% Quarterly Feb 24th
KRNY $7.03 287,226 $0.440 6.26% Quarterly Feb 21st
SILA $25.53 228,616 $1.600 6.27% Monthly Feb 14th
QHY $45.93 5,979 $2.880 6.27% Monthly Feb 27th
PFO $9.40 17,610 $0.590 6.28% Monthly Feb 24th
HYLB $36.57 414,042 $2.295 6.28% Monthly Feb 8th
SGR.UN.CA $13.74 117,538 $0.864 6.29% Monthly Feb 17th
CLOA $51.86 40,569 $3.264 6.29% Monthly Feb 4th
DFP $21.26 79,200 $1.346 6.33% Monthly Feb 24th
SCMB $25.95 47,016 $1.645 6.34% Monthly Feb 7th
BSJP $23.14 193,742 $1.467 6.34% Monthly Feb 25th
PSEC.PRA $21.05 16,116 $1.337 6.35% Quarterly Feb 2nd
HCAL.CA $23.92 51,021 $1.524 6.37% Monthly Feb 9th
BSJU $26.23 22,359 $1.671 6.37% Monthly Feb 27th
FLC $17.20 16,375 $1.096 6.37% Monthly Feb 24th
BSJQ $23.48 69,433 $1.498 6.38% Monthly Feb 25th
BSJT $21.68 79,441 $1.386 6.39% Monthly Feb 25th
APLE $14.99 1,416,318 $0.960 6.40% Monthly Feb 14th
LTC $35.61 268,154 $2.280 6.40% Monthly Feb 25th
APAM $44.35 339,041 $2.840 6.40% Quarterly Feb 27th
NTG $50.57 7,048 $3.240 6.41% Quarterly Feb 24th
BML.PRL $24.19 7,866 $1.556 6.43% Quarterly Feb 20th
SDEM $25.54 8,572 $1.644 6.44% Monthly Feb 10th
BSJS $22.00 74,609 $1.418 6.44% Monthly Feb 25th
IBHI $23.69 50,513 $1.527 6.45% Monthly Feb 4th
JAAA $50.75 1,706,807 $3.271 6.45% Monthly Feb 7th
HYZD $22.26 4,422 $1.440 6.47% Monthly Feb 24th
JSI $52.42 18,087 $3.401 6.49% Monthly Feb 7th
IBHJ $26.50 16,603 $1.725 6.51% Monthly Feb 4th
SUN $53.71 537,873 $3.502 6.52% Quarterly Feb 16th
USHY $37.33 2,412,603 $2.437 6.53% Monthly Feb 4th
DLNG $3.83 5,903 $0.250 6.53% Quarterly Feb 10th
EMHY $38.75 46,230 $2.531 6.53% Monthly Feb 4th
OXLCO $22.94 2,225 $1.500 6.54% Monthly Feb 27th
JNK $96.85 1,618,242 $6.334 6.54% Monthly Feb 4th
RITM.PRC $24.38 17,353 $1.594 6.54% Quarterly Feb 12th
KSPI $108.13 189,472 $7.087 6.55% Quarterly Feb 28th
QYLG $32.54 9,103 $2.136 6.56% Monthly Feb 28th
FFC $16.40 101,691 $1.076 6.56% Monthly Feb 24th
IBHH $23.57 53,891 $1.550 6.58% Monthly Feb 4th
SBRA $18.18 1,159,122 $1.200 6.60% Quarterly Feb 21st
WCP.CA $11.03 1,907,242 $0.730 6.61% Monthly Feb 17th
SYF.PRA $21.25 33,248 $1.406 6.62% Quarterly Feb 15th
PFXF $18.31 355,067 $1.213 6.63% Monthly Feb 4th
BMO $93.25 855,067 $6.200 6.65% Quarterly Feb 25th
TPZ $18.94 21,221 $1.260 6.65% Monthly Feb 24th
WSBCP $25.33 3,080 $1.688 6.66% Quarterly Feb 15th
AFIF $9.21 6,446 $0.613 6.66% Monthly Feb 20th
JRSH $3.00 922 $0.200 6.67% Quarterly Feb 20th
HYDB $47.59 71,372 $3.182 6.69% Monthly Feb 4th
SJT $4.10 126,941 $0.274 6.69% Monthly Feb 13th
OHI $39.95 782,145 $2.680 6.71% Quarterly Feb 15th
HYHG $65.03 7,378 $4.368 6.72% Monthly Feb 8th
PHYD $51.66 5,693 $3.480 6.74% Monthly Feb 23rd
ERH $11.13 14,590 $0.751 6.75% Monthly Feb 28th
IBHE $23.18 89,649 $1.566 6.75% Monthly Feb 4th
DCOMP $20.34 2,237 $1.375 6.76% Quarterly Feb 14th
FT $7.53 44,551 $0.510 6.77% Monthly Feb 1st
XHYH $35.28 965 $2.390 6.77% Monthly Feb 4th
GEO $14.75 2,205,623 $1.000 6.78% Quarterly Feb 1st
PFLD $21.22 66,714 $1.440 6.79% Monthly Feb 28th
PFLD $21.22 66,714 $1.440 6.79% Monthly Feb 28th
LANDO $22.15 3,479 $1.500 6.79% Monthly Feb 26th
BGSF $8.83 10,192 $0.600 6.79% Quarterly Feb 27th
KQQQ $25.76 685 $1.758 6.82% Monthly Feb 26th
ZWB.CA $19.34 177,194 $1.320 6.83% Monthly Feb 1st
XHYT $34.86 195 $2.380 6.83% Monthly Feb 4th
BRLN $52.49 10,118 $3.593 6.84% Monthly Feb 4th
GS.PRC $24.18 6,566 $1.655 6.84% Quarterly Feb 11th
ONBPO $25.55 1,875 $1.750 6.85% Quarterly Feb 17th
ONBPP $25.49 709 $1.750 6.87% Quarterly Feb 17th
IBHG $22.44 23,589 $1.541 6.87% Monthly Feb 4th
NWH.UN.CA $5.23 571,408 $0.360 6.88% Monthly Feb 17th
GAIN $13.95 340,517 $0.960 6.88% Monthly Feb 26th
SCHR $24.84 526,418 $1.710 6.89% Monthly Feb 7th
CSQ $17.79 167,480 $1.230 6.91% Monthly Feb 22nd
TAIT $2.89 2,666 $0.200 6.92% Quarterly Feb 24th
ECCC $23.46 1,171 $1.625 6.93% Monthly Feb 24th
RQI $13.86 315,153 $0.960 6.93% Monthly Feb 1st
SHYG $43.09 565,244 $2.992 6.94% Monthly Feb 4th
OCFCP $25.20 12,321 $1.750 6.94% Quarterly Feb 14th
JVA $3.46 163,563 $0.240 6.94% Other Feb 24th
LANDP $21.62 15,534 $1.500 6.94% Monthly Feb 29th
HYS $94.79 132,470 $6.600 6.96% Monthly Feb 3rd
HUTS.CA $13.09 10,390 $0.912 6.97% Monthly Feb 9th
XHYF $37.85 126 $2.641 6.98% Monthly Feb 4th
RNP $23.37 76,516 $1.632 6.98% Monthly Feb 1st
GOODO $21.45 8,587 $1.500 6.99% Monthly Feb 26th
HNDL $22.10 121,448 $1.546 6.99% Monthly Feb 17th
IBHF $23.28 387,981 $1.632 7.01% Monthly Feb 4th
EPR $48.79 431,801 $3.420 7.01% Monthly Feb 14th
SPH $18.48 103,172 $1.300 7.03% Quarterly Feb 13th
GHYB $45.13 3,313 $3.178 7.04% Monthly Feb 7th
GS.PRA $23.45 28,813 $1.655 7.06% Quarterly Feb 11th
GS.PRD $23.14 47,954 $1.634 7.06% Quarterly Feb 11th
BKHY $48.42 76,226 $3.419 7.06% Monthly Feb 6th
MDIV $16.62 47,979 $1.176 7.08% Monthly Feb 26th
HR $17.46 2,024,444 $1.240 7.10% Quarterly Feb 28th
AWF $11.07 214,785 $0.786 7.10% Monthly Feb 17th
VPV $11.26 30,643 $0.800 7.11% Monthly Feb 29th
EPD $29.49 3,788,467 $2.100 7.12% Quarterly Feb 13th
WIA $8.42 19,991 $0.600 7.13% Monthly Feb 24th
GOODN $23.17 12,160 $1.656 7.15% Monthly Feb 26th
VTN $11.50 69,057 $0.822 7.15% Monthly Feb 29th
YLD $19.37 16,975 $1.385 7.15% Monthly Feb 3rd
HIGH $23.49 141,962 $1.680 7.15% Monthly Feb 28th
RMR $25.15 45,688 $1.800 7.16% Quarterly Feb 13th
RITM.PRD $24.43 19,511 $1.750 7.16% Quarterly Feb 12th
PLZ.UN.CA $3.90 34,240 $0.280 7.18% Monthly Feb 14th
PAA $17.67 1,369,180 $1.270 7.19% Quarterly Feb 13th
ET.PRI $11.74 57,047 $0.844 7.19% Quarterly Feb 14th
DMA $8.77 12,405 $0.631 7.20% Monthly Feb 7th
PSF $21.00 49,281 $1.512 7.20% Monthly Feb 1st
VCV $10.77 282,686 $0.775 7.20% Monthly Feb 29th
SCHZ $23.33 647,621 $1.679 7.20% Monthly Feb 7th
LDP $21.84 91,654 $1.572 7.20% Monthly Feb 1st
PGHY $20.15 5,717 $1.453 7.21% Monthly Feb 25th
PFFR $19.93 16,085 $1.440 7.22% Monthly Feb 29th
MDV $15.93 49,259 $1.150 7.22% Monthly Feb 24th
TBLD $17.29 64,625 $1.250 7.23% Monthly Feb 20th
GLBZ $5.53 6,111 $0.400 7.23% Quarterly Feb 3rd
DPG $11.62 76,495 $0.840 7.23% Monthly Feb 12th
SRU.UN.CA $25.54 277,952 $1.850 7.24% Monthly Feb 14th
PFFV $24.04 25,097 $1.740 7.24% Monthly Feb 10th
ALTY $12.00 5,088 $0.870 7.25% Monthly Feb 10th
LQDH $93.39 26,788 $6.771 7.25% Monthly Feb 7th
CCNEP $24.50 2,404 $1.781 7.27% Quarterly Feb 28th
GLU $16.50 20,114 $1.200 7.27% Monthly Feb 17th
OXLCN $24.41 1,952 $1.781 7.30% Monthly Feb 28th
AX.UN.CA $8.22 167,969 $0.600 7.30% Monthly Feb 17th
IIM $12.66 197,372 $0.925 7.31% Monthly Feb 29th
IQI $10.34 153,227 $0.757 7.32% Monthly Feb 29th
UTF $25.38 168,814 $1.860 7.33% Monthly Feb 1st
TYLG $33.91 875 $2.497 7.36% Monthly Feb 28th
HESM $36.25 688,278 $2.671 7.37% Quarterly Feb 8th
XB $39.76 1,441 $2.929 7.37% Monthly Feb 4th
RFI $13.00 117,172 $0.960 7.38% Monthly Feb 1st
FMY $12.18 178,411 $0.900 7.39% Monthly Feb 15th
AGGH $21.09 42,769 $1.560 7.40% Monthly Feb 28th
VKI $9.06 185,749 $0.671 7.40% Monthly Feb 29th
VMO $10.13 222,754 $0.750 7.40% Monthly Feb 29th
THYF $52.27 387 $3.874 7.41% Monthly Feb 26th
NXR.UN.CA $8.62 120,868 $0.640 7.42% Monthly Feb 15th
MLPA $48.49 91,933 $3.600 7.42% Quarterly Feb 14th
SJNK $25.55 1,291,390 $1.895 7.42% Monthly Feb 4th
VGM $10.45 222,159 $0.775 7.42% Monthly Feb 29th
VKQ $10.12 251,677 $0.754 7.45% Monthly Feb 29th
GOOD $16.09 121,355 $1.200 7.46% Monthly Feb 26th
ZWK.CA $23.31 140,887 $1.740 7.46% Monthly Feb 1st
AMZA $41.77 39,699 $3.120 7.47% Monthly Feb 28th
WEA $11.24 28,662 $0.840 7.47% Monthly Feb 25th
KBWY $20.83 59,620 $1.558 7.48% Monthly Feb 25th
ARR.PRC $23.41 13,277 $1.750 7.48% Monthly Feb 27th
HYGV $41.28 33,455 $3.095 7.50% Monthly Feb 7th
PAPI $27.38 3,714 $2.056 7.51% Monthly Feb 3rd
MGF $3.26 90,645 $0.245 7.51% Monthly Feb 2nd
FTSL $46.21 204,482 $3.480 7.53% Monthly Feb 26th
ICLO $25.70 63,953 $1.937 7.54% Monthly Feb 25th
CEFS $22.22 66,443 $1.680 7.56% Monthly Feb 23rd
SPHY $23.82 1,693,201 $1.805 7.58% Monthly Feb 4th
FRU.CA $14.22 553,851 $1.080 7.59% Monthly Feb 14th
ZWU.CA $11.05 145,885 $0.840 7.60% Monthly Feb 1st
RIOCF $14.57 697 $1.110 7.62% Monthly Feb 10th
PTA $21.07 61,246 $1.608 7.63% Monthly Feb 1st
HYGH $86.20 20,846 $6.623 7.68% Monthly Feb 7th
MPLX $44.09 1,449,320 $3.400 7.71% Quarterly Feb 10th
SEIX $23.96 320,961 $1.850 7.72% Monthly Feb 28th
ET $16.55 12,962,983 $1.280 7.73% Quarterly Feb 16th
IGLD $21.62 60,436 $1.672 7.73% Monthly Feb 2nd
NUSI $25.95 72,833 $2.008 7.74% Monthly Feb 25th
TYG $40.24 21,323 $3.120 7.75% Quarterly Feb 24th
RLTY $17.03 70,707 $1.320 7.75% Monthly Feb 2nd
SCHO $24.29 1,429,755 $1.885 7.76% Monthly Feb 7th
EICB $24.93 4,060 $1.938 7.77% Monthly Feb 29th
HFRO $5.93 201,240 $0.462 7.79% Monthly Feb 24th
SDHY $16.64 77,115 $1.296 7.79% Monthly Feb 29th
SCD $17.37 22,271 $1.356 7.81% Monthly Feb 1st
ALX $230.45 11,026 $18.000 7.81% Quarterly Feb 15th
SRL $8.17 7,187 $0.640 7.83% Quarterly Feb 28th
TDVI $25.63 17,384 $2.012 7.85% Monthly Feb 25th
SPNT.PRB $25.46 9,106 $2.000 7.85% Quarterly Feb 28th
AB $36.11 319,865 $2.840 7.86% Quarterly Feb 27th
CGO $12.20 14,504 $0.960 7.87% Monthly Feb 22nd
FLBL $24.29 312,650 $1.910 7.87% Monthly Feb 4th
RCS $7.78 157,957 $0.612 7.87% Monthly Feb 2nd
HPS $16.75 33,924 $1.320 7.88% Monthly Feb 1st
JEPI $59.71 2,263,609 $4.706 7.88% Monthly Feb 3rd
AMLP $47.68 618,575 $3.760 7.89% Quarterly Feb 14th
SCHJ $24.61 49,613 $1.942 7.89% Monthly Feb 7th
ETO $26.34 23,147 $2.080 7.90% Monthly Feb 29th
EOI $20.32 46,490 $1.606 7.90% Monthly Feb 29th
HYBL $28.55 43,902 $2.255 7.90% Monthly Feb 4th
AIO $22.73 48,938 $1.800 7.92% Monthly Feb 25th
HPF $18.70 16,385 $1.482 7.93% Monthly Feb 1st
GNT $6.05 13,333 $0.480 7.93% Monthly Feb 17th
NMFCZ $26.00 10,836 $2.062 7.93% Quarterly Feb 15th
BALI $30.57 15,750 $2.428 7.94% Monthly Feb 6th
ETG $19.49 118,136 $1.552 7.96% Monthly Feb 29th
CCEF $28.76 2,182 $2.292 7.97% Monthly Feb 7th
EIT.UN.CA $15.05 236,629 $1.200 7.97% Monthly Feb 12th
DHF $2.63 355,073 $0.210 7.98% Monthly Feb 23rd
SYF.PRB $25.86 28,906 $2.062 7.98% Quarterly Feb 15th
FOF $13.09 24,284 $1.044 7.98% Monthly Feb 1st
EICC $24.99 54,447 $2.000 8.00% Monthly Feb 27th
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Alright, you probably have guessed what's coming next: we are about to continue all the way up to the 8-10% dividend yield range — up here at these levels, we're going to typically be seeing companies that are required to pay out most of their taxable income as dividends, such as REITs (short for Real Estate Investment Trusts) and BDCs (short for Business Development Companies). Of course, we'll also see other corporate structures too, along with exchange traded debt securities and preferred stocks. In this next group of below stocks that pay dividends in February, we'll move up to those dividend yields registering in the range of 8%, 9%, and 10%.

Stocks That Pay 8-10% Dividends In February

Dividend Stock Recent Stock Price Recent Trading Volume Recent Dividend Rate Recent Dividend Yield Dividend Frequency February Pay Day Expected
EICC $24.99 54,447 $2.000 8.00% Monthly Feb 27th
DNP $9.73 390,473 $0.780 8.02% Monthly Feb 11th
ETY $14.80 213,027 $1.190 8.04% Monthly Feb 29th
BTB.UN.CA $3.73 125,692 $0.300 8.04% Monthly Feb 17th
ECCF $24.89 10,462 $2.000 8.04% Monthly Feb 29th
PFRL $50.59 1,763 $4.078 8.06% Monthly Feb 7th
ICAP $27.50 5,815 $2.220 8.07% Monthly Feb 28th
GLAD $24.47 88,484 $1.980 8.09% Monthly Feb 26th
SABA $8.61 42,309 $0.696 8.09% Monthly Feb 5th
FC.CA $11.54 74,147 $0.936 8.11% Monthly Feb 12th
PCEF $19.69 89,171 $1.609 8.17% Monthly Feb 25th
CHW $7.33 101,833 $0.600 8.19% Monthly Feb 22nd
HUBL.CA $13.18 9,180 $1.080 8.20% Monthly Feb 9th
GGN $4.38 132,488 $0.360 8.21% Monthly Feb 17th
TRP $46.78 3,965,228 $3.840 8.21% Quarterly Feb 1st
BGH $15.36 66,810 $1.267 8.25% Monthly Feb 25th
WIW $8.79 278,038 $0.726 8.26% Monthly Feb 24th
ETJ $9.46 113,693 $0.781 8.26% Monthly Feb 29th
BINC $52.93 508,845 $4.374 8.26% Monthly Feb 4th
PHT $7.98 70,311 $0.660 8.27% Monthly Feb 29th
TEAF $13.00 29,921 $1.080 8.31% Monthly Feb 24th
PEY.CA $15.88 551,681 $1.320 8.31% Monthly Feb 14th
DHY $2.23 323,449 $0.186 8.36% Monthly Feb 21st
SBR $62.49 60,754 $5.230 8.37% Monthly Feb 28th
BTI $35.45 6,500,377 $2.972 8.38% Quarterly Feb 6th
WLKP $22.45 18,692 $1.886 8.40% Quarterly Feb 16th
GPIX $49.45 61,971 $4.167 8.43% Monthly Feb 8th
DBL $15.66 27,211 $1.320 8.43% Monthly Feb 1st
RDVI $25.23 194,038 $2.129 8.44% Monthly Feb 26th
TF.CA $8.15 175,354 $0.690 8.47% Monthly Feb 17th
ERC $9.34 93,165 $0.792 8.48% Monthly Feb 28th
DLY $16.49 114,908 $1.400 8.49% Monthly Feb 1st
FPF $19.41 125,010 $1.650 8.50% Monthly Feb 15th
MMT $4.87 60,832 $0.415 8.52% Monthly Feb 2nd
SRET $21.76 19,456 $1.860 8.55% Monthly Feb 10th
ETV $13.94 74,832 $1.192 8.55% Monthly Feb 29th
BETH $64.17 1,646 $5.502 8.57% Monthly Feb 8th
JBBB $49.17 608,097 $4.212 8.57% Monthly Feb 7th
MCR $6.49 48,918 $0.559 8.61% Monthly Feb 2nd
EVG $11.15 29,682 $0.960 8.61% Monthly Feb 29th
MFAN $25.73 15,523 $2.219 8.62% Quarterly Feb 15th
FTHI $23.24 130,667 $2.016 8.67% Monthly Feb 26th
ECC.PRD $19.45 24,371 $1.688 8.68% Monthly Feb 24th
PFFA $23.11 524,116 $2.010 8.70% Monthly Feb 28th
SRLN $41.86 867,074 $3.648 8.72% Monthly Feb 4th
DMLP $32.19 55,230 $2.808 8.72% Quarterly Feb 6th
ETB $14.54 44,881 $1.270 8.73% Monthly Feb 29th
TEN.PRE $26.48 2,542 $2.312 8.73% Quarterly Feb 27th
DLNG.PRA $25.63 1,681 $2.250 8.78% Quarterly Feb 10th
CIK $3.08 668,548 $0.270 8.78% Monthly Feb 22nd
CIMN $25.52 5,269 $2.250 8.82% Quarterly Feb 15th
PGI.UN.CA $7.72 4,705 $0.683 8.84% Monthly Feb 17th
WES $39.44 1,300,961 $3.500 8.87% Quarterly Feb 13th
CLOZ $26.70 134,748 $2.371 8.88% Monthly Feb 8th
NGL $4.50 339,426 $0.400 8.89% Quarterly Feb 13th
EAD $7.06 123,866 $0.630 8.92% Monthly Feb 28th
PRT $4.03 35,798 $0.360 8.94% Monthly Feb 14th
THTA $19.03 20,736 $1.706 8.97% Monthly Feb 18th
OMF $46.35 855,272 $4.160 8.98% Quarterly Feb 20th
MIN $2.73 90,071 $0.245 8.98% Monthly Feb 2nd
ISPY $45.29 54,462 $4.087 9.02% Monthly Feb 8th
GLP.PRB $26.32 4,213 $2.375 9.02% Quarterly Feb 14th
EMO $43.80 37,954 $3.960 9.04% Monthly Feb 1st
BEPR.CA $9.26 2,602 $0.840 9.07% Monthly Feb 17th
DOGG $21.02 8,217 $1.908 9.08% Monthly Feb 25th
CCD $25.71 81,053 $2.340 9.10% Monthly Feb 22nd
DJIA $23.20 13,270 $2.116 9.12% Monthly Feb 28th
GLCC.CA $28.93 20,338 $2.640 9.13% Monthly Feb 9th
ISD $13.76 154,783 $1.260 9.16% Monthly Feb 29th
EXG $8.59 339,376 $0.788 9.18% Monthly Feb 29th
ETW $8.68 221,960 $0.797 9.18% Monthly Feb 29th
AP.UN.CA $19.47 351,822 $1.800 9.24% Monthly Feb 17th
HYI $12.30 47,724 $1.140 9.27% Monthly Feb 25th
RITM $10.77 4,741,202 $1.000 9.29% Quarterly Feb 1st
RIET $11.03 79,724 $1.026 9.30% Monthly Feb 18th
EVV $10.42 212,965 $0.971 9.32% Monthly Feb 17th
SCHI $22.72 481,812 $2.124 9.35% Monthly Feb 7th
PTI.UN.CA $7.14 12,080 $0.670 9.38% Monthly Feb 17th
DHT $11.34 866,213 $1.080 9.52% Quarterly Feb 23rd
CHI $11.93 109,742 $1.140 9.55% Monthly Feb 22nd
INC.UN.CA $8.13 2,328 $0.778 9.57% Monthly Feb 12th
CAPL $21.93 13,072 $2.100 9.58% Quarterly Feb 9th
FLRT $47.70 150,699 $4.590 9.62% Monthly Feb 1st
CNCC.CA $12.45 2,848 $1.200 9.64% Monthly Feb 9th
BKLN $21.14 1,480,724 $2.043 9.66% Monthly Feb 25th
PCN $13.97 316,728 $1.350 9.66% Monthly Feb 2nd
TLTW $25.70 680,172 $2.491 9.69% Monthly Feb 7th
CHY $12.28 133,538 $1.200 9.77% Monthly Feb 22nd
BUCK $24.55 45,183 $2.400 9.78% Monthly Feb 28th
EFR $12.75 71,058 $1.248 9.79% Monthly Feb 29th
XYLD $41.83 322,056 $4.103 9.81% Monthly Feb 28th
TEI $5.80 56,901 $0.570 9.82% Monthly Feb 1st
PTY $14.47 725,774 $1.426 9.85% Monthly Feb 2nd
SEVN $14.13 54,807 $1.400 9.91% Quarterly Feb 13th
GHY $12.67 131,332 $1.260 9.94% Monthly Feb 29th
BSM $15.07 444,174 $1.500 9.95% Quarterly Feb 22nd
ZTR $6.02 152,794 $0.600 9.97% Monthly Feb 25th
ACV $21.66 18,095 $2.160 9.97% Monthly Feb 25th
XCCC $39.48 14,978 $3.938 9.98% Monthly Feb 4th
EVF $6.25 86,482 $0.624 9.98% Monthly Feb 18th
KIO $14.58 143,806 $1.458 10.00% Monthly Feb 2nd
Show more

This brings us to our final group... stocks that pay dividends in February with dividend yields of 10% or more. While investors in dividend stocks always need to be careful to assess the fundamentals behind each company in order to assess long-term dividend-paying capability, that care is especially critical when we move up to levels of 10% and up. When we're looking at a dividend level that rivals the long-term compound annual growth rate of the S&P 500 Index itself, an investor must be ready to dive into some extreme due diligence investigations to really understand the business model and whether the company can actually earn its dividend level over the long run.

Stocks That Pay 10%+ Dividends In February

Dividend Stock Recent Stock Price Recent Trading Volume Recent Dividend Rate Recent Dividend Yield Dividend Frequency February Pay Day Expected
KIO $14.58 143,806 $1.458 10.00% Monthly Feb 2nd
SDIV $22.99 206,045 $2.304 10.02% Monthly Feb 10th
EFT $13.01 60,801 $1.308 10.05% Monthly Feb 29th
EMD $10.09 191,320 $1.014 10.05% Monthly Feb 25th
CIF $1.79 9,712 $0.180 10.06% Monthly Feb 2nd
CDX $23.73 15,434 $2.400 10.11% Monthly Feb 28th
PGP $8.19 70,199 $0.828 10.11% Monthly Feb 2nd
GLQ $7.12 44,892 $0.724 10.17% Monthly Feb 29th
GLQ $7.12 44,892 $0.724 10.17% Monthly Feb 29th
VLT $11.35 59,815 $1.157 10.19% Monthly Feb 29th
MDST $26.45 26,541 $2.700 10.21% Monthly Feb 1st
DSL $12.90 271,885 $1.320 10.23% Monthly Feb 1st
RINC $23.40 26,176 $2.400 10.26% Monthly Feb 27th
XHYE $39.13 452 $4.022 10.28% Monthly Feb 4th
LGI $17.43 72,687 $1.793 10.29% Monthly Feb 19th
KRP $16.28 269,969 $1.680 10.32% Quarterly Feb 19th
GPIQ $48.25 43,886 $5.022 10.41% Monthly Feb 8th
FTHY $14.96 54,789 $1.560 10.43% Monthly Feb 25th
GLO $5.50 53,582 $0.576 10.47% Monthly Feb 29th
GLO $5.50 53,582 $0.576 10.47% Monthly Feb 29th
PVL $1.60 18,318 $0.168 10.50% Monthly Feb 14th
MEGI $14.26 123,054 $1.500 10.52% Monthly Feb 27th
RA $13.42 228,773 $1.416 10.55% Monthly Feb 22nd
IGA $9.62 25,428 $1.020 10.60% Monthly Feb 15th
GLV $5.95 13,194 $0.631 10.61% Monthly Feb 29th
GLV $5.95 13,194 $0.631 10.61% Monthly Feb 29th
HIO $4.01 247,284 $0.426 10.62% Monthly Feb 25th
IGD $5.60 158,042 $0.600 10.71% Monthly Feb 15th
IDE $11.19 58,668 $1.200 10.72% Monthly Feb 15th
HBND.CA $14.86 91,573 $1.596 10.74% Monthly Feb 9th
FSCO $6.70 568,957 $0.720 10.75% Monthly Feb 28th
CPZ $15.62 59,398 $1.680 10.76% Monthly Feb 22nd
FAT $5.18 54,047 $0.560 10.81% Quarterly Feb 29th
DLNG.PRB $26.29 1,569 $2.858 10.87% Quarterly Feb 20th
CJ.CA $6.62 317,958 $0.720 10.88% Monthly Feb 17th
FTF $6.75 221,663 $0.738 10.93% Monthly Feb 1st
PAXS $16.37 113,811 $1.793 10.95% Monthly Feb 2nd
CDR.PRC $14.83 7,209 $1.625 10.96% Quarterly Feb 20th
RITM.PRB $25.69 64,273 $2.816 10.96% Quarterly Feb 12th
RITM.PRA $25.88 34,253 $2.858 11.04% Quarterly Feb 12th
CRT $11.10 32,693 $1.227 11.05% Monthly Feb 14th
DKL $39.35 340,473 $4.360 11.08% Quarterly Feb 7th
PDO $13.85 771,095 $1.535 11.08% Monthly Feb 2nd
BWG $8.65 58,080 $0.960 11.10% Monthly Feb 25th
PFFL $10.57 1,135 $1.174 11.10% Monthly Feb 19th
AWP $4.32 223,379 $0.480 11.11% Monthly Feb 25th
ARLP $25.04 190,097 $2.800 11.18% Quarterly Feb 13th
PHD $9.91 33,117 $1.110 11.20% Monthly Feb 29th
FCT $10.38 71,059 $1.164 11.21% Monthly Feb 15th
GYLD $13.59 2,288 $1.529 11.25% Monthly Feb 23rd
MFA $12.41 453,670 $1.400 11.28% Quarterly Feb 1st
PFL $8.62 125,785 $0.977 11.33% Monthly Feb 2nd
PFN $7.59 282,704 $0.862 11.35% Monthly Feb 2nd
NCZ $3.17 397,277 $0.360 11.36% Monthly Feb 25th
SCM $14.05 129,553 $1.600 11.39% Monthly Feb 14th
CDR.PRB $15.89 1,718 $1.812 11.41% Quarterly Feb 20th
PHK $5.04 572,958 $0.576 11.43% Monthly Feb 2nd
WEEI $23.60 1,353 $2.700 11.44% Monthly Feb 1st
WDI $15.57 171,109 $1.782 11.45% Monthly Feb 25th
GUT $5.22 168,460 $0.600 11.49% Monthly Feb 17th
NCV $3.54 337,073 $0.408 11.53% Monthly Feb 25th
HYGW $32.48 94,849 $3.754 11.56% Monthly Feb 7th
PGZ $10.90 29,841 $1.260 11.56% Monthly Feb 24th
IAE $6.71 17,448 $0.780 11.62% Monthly Feb 15th
FAX $16.90 98,310 $1.980 11.72% Monthly Feb 25th
KBWD $15.10 195,801 $1.777 11.77% Monthly Feb 25th
PBP $23.08 46,623 $2.718 11.78% Monthly Feb 27th
PUTW $33.58 41,119 $3.960 11.79% Monthly Feb 27th
FTQI $20.67 65,107 $2.436 11.79% Monthly Feb 26th
TUGN $23.69 7,067 $2.796 11.80% Monthly Feb 23rd
IHD $5.59 80,901 $0.660 11.81% Monthly Feb 15th
RYLD $16.41 1,045,614 $1.940 11.82% Monthly Feb 28th
GDO $12.35 56,031 $1.464 11.85% Monthly Feb 25th
PDIV.CA $9.60 6,721 $1.140 11.88% Monthly Feb 1st
SBC.CA $10.09 35,473 $1.200 11.89% Monthly Feb 17th
QYLD $18.23 2,062,930 $2.168 11.89% Monthly Feb 28th
SPYI $51.88 621,908 $6.176 11.91% Monthly Feb 26th
BWMX $12.66 21,884 $1.510 11.93% Quarterly Feb 7th
VGI $8.05 35,440 $0.960 11.93% Monthly Feb 25th
PCM $8.04 87,341 $0.960 11.94% Monthly Feb 2nd
QRMI $17.12 28,727 $2.050 11.97% Monthly Feb 28th
JEPQ $55.09 3,327,657 $6.607 11.99% Monthly Feb 3rd
ENS.CA $13.00 43,254 $1.560 12.00% Monthly Feb 14th
EETH $52.85 59,724 $6.352 12.02% Monthly Feb 8th
TECTP $10.44 1,034 $1.258 12.05% Quarterly Feb 12th
XRMI $19.17 6,438 $2.314 12.07% Monthly Feb 28th
AVK $11.55 216,099 $1.406 12.18% Monthly Feb 10th
HYLD.CA $14.06 97,768 $1.716 12.20% Monthly Feb 9th
EHI $6.87 92,704 $0.840 12.23% Monthly Feb 25th
EMAX.CA $16.31 20,063 $2.004 12.29% Monthly Feb 6th
EFC $12.52 666,197 $1.560 12.46% Monthly Feb 24th
ASGI $20.06 105,501 $2.520 12.56% Monthly Feb 25th
GPUS.PRD $25.80 926 $3.250 12.60% Monthly Feb 9th
HRZN $10.46 370,112 $1.320 12.62% Monthly Feb 14th
SACH $2.54 214,484 $0.320 12.62% Quarterly Feb 6th
DX $12.31 1,208,932 $1.560 12.67% Monthly Feb 26th
DMO $12.28 53,656 $1.560 12.70% Monthly Feb 25th
HYIN $18.75 10,451 $2.400 12.80% Monthly Feb 27th
CLMT $21.36 668,572 $2.740 12.83% Quarterly Feb 12th
AAPY $27.70 1,762 $3.563 12.86% Monthly Feb 26th
VVR $3.99 701,029 $0.516 12.93% Monthly Feb 29th
PDI $20.16 3,818,084 $2.646 13.12% Monthly Feb 2nd
HIX $4.46 426,982 $0.588 13.17% Monthly Feb 25th
AOD $9.06 457,236 $1.200 13.25% Monthly Feb 25th
NAT $3.62 1,192,457 $0.480 13.26% Quarterly Feb 5th
SCYB $26.52 199,672 $3.528 13.30% Monthly Feb 7th
ENCC.CA $11.61 49,336 $1.560 13.44% Monthly Feb 9th
AGD $10.62 84,428 $1.440 13.56% Monthly Feb 25th
PNNT $7.03 377,511 $0.960 13.66% Monthly Feb 1st
UMAX.CA $14.82 131,694 $2.040 13.77% Monthly Feb 6th
NGL.PRB $23.20 14,045 $3.202 13.80% Quarterly Feb 29th
QQQI $52.13 203,620 $7.226 13.86% Monthly Feb 26th
AGNC $10.37 9,778,941 $1.440 13.89% Monthly Feb 11th
NEP $25.96 906,547 $3.620 13.94% Quarterly Feb 11th
FCO $6.01 24,387 $0.840 13.98% Monthly Feb 25th
EDF $5.15 193,483 $0.720 13.98% Monthly Feb 24th
VOC $5.12 39,651 $0.720 14.06% Quarterly Feb 13th
PSEC $5.11 1,786,493 $0.720 14.09% Monthly Feb 16th
NHTC $5.67 5,414 $0.800 14.11% Quarterly Feb 27th
HMAX.CA $14.44 279,229 $2.040 14.13% Monthly Feb 6th
EARN $6.74 235,371 $0.960 14.24% Monthly Feb 25th
IWMI $51.69 84,980 $7.480 14.47% Monthly Feb 26th
NXG $44.49 41,581 $6.480 14.57% Monthly Feb 1st
ICMB $3.28 97,973 $0.480 14.63% Quarterly Feb 6th
BK.CA $11.33 69,696 $1.670 14.74% Monthly Feb 9th
LQDW $27.72 80,633 $4.146 14.96% Monthly Feb 7th
CCIF $8.41 329,372 $1.260 14.98% Monthly Feb 24th
EIC $15.99 243,098 $2.400 15.01% Monthly Feb 24th
BANK.CA $7.94 136,467 $1.200 15.12% Monthly Feb 6th
ENIC $2.82 292,202 $0.430 15.25% Semi-Annual Feb 14th
AMZP $29.58 1,374 $4.513 15.26% Monthly Feb 26th
MSFY $26.03 3,169 $4.110 15.79% Monthly Feb 26th
GOOP $28.39 5,751 $4.523 15.93% Monthly Feb 26th
NRT $5.21 19,831 $0.840 16.12% Quarterly Feb 27th
USOI $67.30 144,542 $11.270 16.75% Monthly Feb 23rd
HPYT.CA $10.72 264,326 $1.800 16.79% Monthly Feb 9th
SQFTP $13.55 9,703 $2.344 17.30% Monthly Feb 14th
SVC $4.62 687,182 $0.800 17.32% Quarterly Feb 13th
ECC $9.70 1,514,813 $1.680 17.32% Monthly Feb 24th
XOMO $17.43 18,647 $3.048 17.49% Monthly Feb 8th
FTN.CA $8.58 693,615 $1.508 17.58% Monthly Feb 12th
GLDI $157.06 2,014 $27.703 17.64% Monthly Feb 23rd
SOT.UN.CA $0.67 200,591 $0.120 17.91% Monthly Feb 15th
ACP $6.61 659,113 $1.200 18.15% Monthly Feb 25th
ORC $7.86 929,003 $1.440 18.32% Monthly Feb 29th
DFN.CA $6.19 415,784 $1.200 19.39% Monthly Feb 9th
SPYT $20.10 63,882 $4.006 19.93% Monthly Feb 3rd
QQQT $19.37 74,293 $3.864 19.95% Monthly Feb 3rd
BETE $59.41 634 $12.017 20.23% Monthly Feb 8th
GOOY $15.12 46,412 $3.065 20.27% Monthly Feb 8th
NFLP $31.58 978 $6.672 21.13% Monthly Feb 26th
TSMY $20.97 9,299 $4.457 21.25% Monthly Feb 4th
FATBP $9.68 19,704 $2.062 21.31% Monthly Feb 21st
GIPR $2.01 13,215 $0.468 23.28% Monthly Feb 28th
FARM $1.93 45,585 $0.460 23.83% Quarterly Feb 9th
IWMW $45.89 4,274 $11.069 24.12% Monthly Feb 9th
GIAX $20.00 75,943 $4.824 24.12% Monthly Feb 26th
IVVW $49.63 7,206 $12.066 24.31% Monthly Feb 9th
CCLDP $11.30 12,867 $2.750 24.33% Monthly Feb 15th
BITX $30.33 9,210,228 $7.559 24.92% Monthly Feb 27th
JPMO $18.07 17,930 $4.522 25.02% Monthly Feb 8th
FEPI $51.72 132,410 $13.106 25.34% Monthly Feb 27th
MSFO $19.70 49,925 $5.190 26.35% Monthly Feb 10th
YQQQ $18.47 21,523 $5.077 27.49% Monthly Feb 9th
XTD.CA $2.15 46,213 $0.600 27.91% Monthly Feb 8th
SMHB $5.94 10,391 $1.692 28.48% Monthly Feb 19th
BMA $74.18 141,319 $21.571 29.08% Monthly Feb 23rd
ZIVB $20.00 25,598 $5.820 29.10% Monthly Feb 27th
TSLP $21.22 17,395 $6.190 29.17% Monthly Feb 26th
PETS $4.00 179,099 $1.200 30.00% Quarterly Feb 23rd
APLY $18.08 51,286 $5.430 30.03% Monthly Feb 10th
VERU $0.9321 2,029,737 $0.280 30.04% Quarterly Feb 6th
SLVO $81.26 71,889 $25.774 31.72% Monthly Feb 23rd
ABNY $16.96 7,044 $5.539 32.65% Monthly Feb 9th
GLT $1.69 108,932 $0.560 33.14% Quarterly Feb 1st
DISO $16.27 10,018 $5.566 34.22% Monthly Feb 10th
AIPI $51.43 81,360 $17.748 34.51% Monthly Feb 27th
NFLY $17.42 68,484 $6.124 35.15% Monthly Feb 10th
SNOY $17.26 6,979 $6.154 35.65% Monthly Feb 4th
MED $17.35 162,717 $6.600 38.04% Quarterly Feb 8th
KLIP $12.23 207,680 $4.735 38.72% Monthly Feb 1st
AMZY $19.49 292,350 $7.873 40.40% Monthly Feb 10th
GDXY $17.63 77,125 $7.272 41.25% Monthly Feb 11th
LNVGF $1.39 2,216 $0.600 43.04% Semi-Annual Feb 14th
AIYY $10.04 130,352 $4.325 43.08% Monthly Feb 9th
USOY $15.52 18,211 $7.327 47.21% Monthly Feb 3rd
OARK $10.27 68,134 $4.900 47.71% Monthly Feb 9th
NVDY $25.31 2,644,818 $13.200 52.15% Monthly Feb 8th
MAXI $22.97 24,304 $12.000 52.24% Monthly Feb 28th
DIPS $14.96 90,377 $8.231 55.02% Monthly Feb 11th
FBY $19.68 93,205 $11.077 56.29% Monthly Feb 8th
MRNY $7.55 121,194 $4.514 59.79% Monthly Feb 11th
BABO $22.59 75,984 $15.518 68.70% Monthly Feb 11th
BITO $18.78 8,567,986 $13.093 69.72% Monthly Feb 8th
AMDY $14.90 256,565 $11.153 74.85% Monthly Feb 9th
YBIT $12.57 89,882 $9.571 76.14% Monthly Feb 4th
MSTY $28.63 1,564,125 $22.249 77.71% Monthly Feb 9th
SQY $18.66 64,324 $15.312 82.06% Monthly Feb 9th
CRSH $13.37 88,874 $11.760 87.96% Monthly Feb 4th
CONY $14.15 3,814,957 $12.518 88.47% Monthly Feb 10th
Show more

Project Your Dividend Income

with Income Calendar

It’s Easy and Works Automatically

Built for Income Investors Like Us

Dear Reader,

Let me know if this morning routine sounds familiar, in no particular order…

  1. Stumble out of bed…
  2. Pour a glass of water…
  3. Measure out our “wake up” dose of pills and/or supplements…
  4. Check the financial markets.

I’m currently taking heaping doses of Vitamin C and turmeric to help with my Achilles tendon rehab. But I don’t take those until breakfast–with food.

Which consists of a measured portion of oatmeal (½ cup), frozen blueberries, chia seeds and two scoops of creatine. (Which, after two decades of being maligned, now has a body of favorable research. But I digress…)

My point here is that no matter your routine, you and I have enough to keep track of. Which is why we designed the Income Calendar tool as a way to automatically track and project our future dividends.

Spreadsheets are too manual. One more thing we have to do. But no more!

Income Calendar is a one-stop shop for all of your dividend tracking and projecting needs. Goodbye spreadsheets, hello IC.

It’s an easy-to-use tool that tracks dividend declarations and payments as they are made. I’m talking email notifications and an easy-to-read dashboard.

Income Calendar is like having a personal assistant tracking each and every dividend payment we’re owed, from declaration to ex date to receipt. Or, in 2024-speak, an “AI assistant” that is here to help you manage your payout collection program.

It’s a dividend dream!

Check out the dividend portfolio I created from a dozen high-paying tickers that we have discussed at Contrarian Outlook in recent months.

It took me about five minutes to set up… and that includes time chatting with my daughter, who was doing her math homework next to me at the time! (She’s crushed her subtraction assignment, by the way.)

Here are the 12 stocks I added to Income Calendar that will deliver $42,895.16 in dividend payments over the next 12 months. This is based on a hypothetical $500,000 portfolio. Which of course we can scale down or up as we buy, sell and build more wealth.

12-Month Projected Dividend Income

That 8.58% projected yield is pretty sweet, right?

Here are our dividend projections through summer:

Projected Dividend Income Through Summer

But why stop there? Income Calendar has us covered.

Show us the next 12 months’ worth of dividends, IC!

12-Month Projected Dividend Income

Now let’s take a look at that 12-pack dividend portfolio I typed in. As you can see it’s easy to add new stocks and funds and to edit share counts:

It’s Easy to Edit an Income Calendar Portfolio

I hit Edit Share Count to change a position size. Or Remove if I sell something.

There’s even a “DRIP mode” that smartly adjusts share counts for reinvested dividends!

Import Entire Portfolios from

Contrarian Outlook Services

It’s easy to import an entire portfolio from any of your Contrarian Outlook services, too, including Contrarian Income Report, Hidden Yields, Dividend Swing Trader and CEF Insider.

Your Income Calendar account will automatically include shortcut links to all of the services you subscribe to. It’s literally one click to pull in the active roster from any of our publications:

But that’s not all. Now you can even…

Import Directly From Your Brokerage Account!

That’s right, our talented development team didn’t slow down after IC’s initial launch.

They’ve integrated it with Plaid, a service that safely and securely links up to your brokerage account and imports all your tickers and share counts—so you don’t have to do any inputting at all.

When the guys asked me to test out the new integration, I was blown away with how easy it was. I had my Charles Schwab account connected to Income Calendar with just a few clicks. It was really easy to import the tickers and share counts of my current holdings into IC.

I could go on and on but honestly this tool is really easy to use. I set up the 12-pack demo portfolio I mentioned in a few minutes, and my Schwab holdings in a few minutes more. You’ll have this tool setup in no time, too.

Real-Time Email Alerts, Too

Each time we collect a dividend, IC can send us an email heads up. For example, Alerian MLP ETF (AMLP) recently declared our monthly dividend in early May. So I received this email heads up from IC:

Dividend “Heads Up” Email via IC

I can also see that AMLP’s implied annualized yield is 8%. Nice.

I’ve got the ex date and the actual payment date. Everything I need to know about GDV’s dividend in one concise email.

“Week Ahead” summaries from IC are my favorite way to kick off the week. We see how much we are getting paid, and when! In this summary, we have two “pay dates” and two “projected pay dates” for this portfolio. Nice.

“Week Ahead” Summary

If you’re nodding your head thinking: Did you guys build this tool just for me?

Well yeah, we really did. And others, of course. It’s a tool designed by income investors, for income investors.

Dividend Projections Built for You

Income Calendar is the brainchild of Ben and his talented development team. These guys heard from readers like you through the years. “Give me a tool to track my dividends!”

Done. Sync Income Calendar up with your stocks and you’ll get a nice, useful projection of future payouts:

Projected Dividend Income, by Month

I don’t know about you, but my bills come every single month. And I’m not cutting checks any longer. Most of my expenses are on autopay.

Which makes income tracking more important than ever before. I need to make sure I have the money in the account before it gets dinged. That’s where Income Calendar comes in.

What makes up a month’s worth of projections? Here are the specifics. Let’s look ahead to a month in which we’re getting paid by eleven out of our twelve holdings:

Of course, as we discussed earlier, there’s more income action in a given month than just payments. There are declarations, ex dates and so on. Income Calendar forecasts it all! (And yes, those dates below are color coded based on the income event.)

Dividend Details for August 2024

We can also use Income Calendar to slice and dice our projected income by stock. With a single click (or tap) we can pop over to our projected income summary by position.

12-Month Projected Dividend Summary, by Position

This is a lot of information to keep track of! How does Income Calendar manage it all? Let’s talk about the smartest system this side of ChatGPT…

Why Income Calendar is So “Smart”

While Income Calendar can’t exactly predict the future, it can infer likely dividend outcomes quite well. IC’s secret is some pretty serious horsepower that we have under the hood of this incredible tool.

Through an exclusive partnership with our sister company, TickerTech, we’ve developed a proprietary algorithm that’s constantly crunching current & past dividends for the entire universe of US stocks. It scours every press release that comes out from every publicly traded company (including preferreds stocks) and records new dividends as they’re announced.

From there, Income Calendar annualizes the most recent payouts for forward assumptions, with estimated payout dates based on historical trends.

In other words, we’re hoovering up as much data as almost anyone can on every ticker available, then we overlay the most recent dividend payments on historical payment timeframes.

But explaining “how” Income Calendar works doesn’t really do it justice until you “see” for yourself.

So let’s talk about how you can take it out for a test drive —100% risk-free — with no obligation whatsoever…

How to Get Income Calendar

Let’s go! as the kids say. To activate and personalize your own Income Calendar simply click the button below:

Income Calendar is only $79 for the first year. And as with all of our products, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If the tool doesn’t work out for whatever reason, we’ll happily and quickly refund you.

But I’m sure you’ll love IC as much as I do. Again, please click here to get rolling with Income Calendar.

Video Demo: Income Calendar

Please check out this video where I review how I set up and use Income Calendar. I’ll be producing “how to” walk throughs like these from time to time to help you get ramped up with IC.



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Stocks going ex-dividend: This month, Next month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Stocks that pay dividends in: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December